Calling All SBC Students: Join Us for Crossover Baltimore 2014

In May of 1991 I graduated with my PhD. At the time I served the State Convention of Baptists in Indiana as the head of evangelism. The next month the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting came to Indianapolis, and with it a great opportunity for our city called Crossover. For over two decades now Southern Baptists have help the host city in reaching people during the days before the annual meeting.

In 2014, the annual SBC will meet in Baltimore, a great city teeming with multitudes of people who do not know Jesus. Baltimore sits only a five hour drive from Southeastern, offering us a great opportunity to help penetrate the lostness in that urban center. This is why we see this is a great chance  to allow students to learn about evangelism in an urban context and to participate daily for a week in intentional evangelism there.

In the Acts we read of the remarkable spread of the gospel across the Roman Empire. The term “daily” is used over ten times in the book of Acts. We read at the end of chapter 2 how the Lord aded daily to their number. In Acts 16:5 we read of  the strengthening of churches and the daily increase of new believers. We see Paul shifting to a daily gospel ministry in the school of Tyrannus in Ephesus as recorded in Acts 19. As we go to Baltimore we have the chance to give ourselves daily to spreading the gospel and to seeing people saved daily, like we read in the Acts.

Here is the skinny on the Baltimore trip. This is a phenomenal opportunity and will likely be the largest single mission trip in our history. Why sign up for this trip?

1. In one week (the trip is June 1-7, from Monday morning through Saturday afternoon) you will be immersed in sharing Christ in a great city. The trip is set up so you can participate in the class without missing a Sunday AM at your church.

2. You will earn 3 hours credit. And because of Southeastern’s commitment to missions tuition is WAIVED for this trip.

3. Because of the North American Mission Board’s commitment to our students and those at other schools, room and board is PAID for the week.

A few other features:

You do have to get there and back, but we will be meeting in the spring to help organize car pools and other aids for those who need it.

-We will be interacting with other seminary students and profs. Each morning we will have a prof from the various participating schools teaching us. Then, we will hear from a local pastor, church planter, or other leader who will give us personal insight into the world of urban ministry. After that we will meet for a session with just our students to pray and prepare for the day. After lunch we will spend the rest of the day telling people about Jesus!

-We will participate in a variety of outreach opportunities from block parties to door-to-door, from serving others to street witnessing. We will involve students with talents in hip-hop and other artistic ways to demonstrate the gospel as we proclaim it. A lot of this has yet to be set in stone, so sign up sooner versus later!

The actual cost of the trip is a big fat $10. This will get you registered for the class, and provide a T Shirt and water bottle.

Other profs will be joining me in going into the communities of Baltimore with you. There is really nothing greater as a prof at Southeastern than going with students on mission through trips like this. It will be life changing, and you will be glad you came.

You can register for the class here. For questions please email Dayna White at Or drop by the CGCS in Jacumin-Simmons. Join the missions movement at SEBTS!

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