Reformation Trip Opportunity | June 16-26, 2017

The summer of 2017, step back in time with Drs. Hildreth, Milioni, Eccher, and Akin, along with their wives, as we celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. All are welcome to join us on this tour; you do not need to be a student or enrolled in an SEBTS class to take part. And all SEBTS students will receive a full six hours of course credit included in the overall price of the tour. The price will go up $200 at the end of September, so sign up today!

The eleven-day trip will allow you to meet with, and retrace the footsteps of, those reformers who set about to amend a corrupt late medieval Roman Catholic Church and establish what became our Protestant heritage. To learn more about the agenda, and the sites that will be highlighted on this trip, click here.

There are 2 upcoming informational meetings for the trip:

  • September 1 | 3:00-4:00pm | Appleby Chapel
  • September 14 | 10:30-11:30am | Appleby Chapel

Sign up today and join us the summer of 2017 for an unforgettable cultural, educational, and missiological experience!

Professors: Danny Akin, Stephen Eccher, Scott Hildreth, and Dwayne Milioni

Dates: June 16-26, 2017

Location: Key historical sites in Germany and Switzerland

Cost: $4,035 – $4,335 – includes round-trip airfare and transportation, accommodations and more!

For more information about this trip, including some of the places that will be highlighted during the trip, visit this page, or contact Dr. Eccher at