Worshiping as We GO | April 26th
When we think of worshiping, we don’t necessarily think about going anywhere. As Ruth Meyers writes, “worship is considered an activity within the church… while mission is the way the church engages the world.” But we know that Jesus commanded his disciples to GO as part of the Great Commission.
Dr. Josh Via will offer a compelling invitation to consider the Biblical Connection between Worship and the Great Commission.
To demonstrate these ideas in practice, testimonies will be presented from our own College at Southeastern students that recently served a Kentucky Community during a Spring Break Mission Trip. We will also be led in musical worship by student-led bands, the Kingdom Choir, and other musicians.
This event is free and open to the public. The Southeastern community, local worship leaders, and missions pastors are especially encouraged to attend. For more information, contact Dr. Joshua Waggener, Assistant Professor of Music and Christian Worship, at jwaggener@sebts.edu.