Author: StudentLife
The purpose of the Evangelical Missiological Society is to advance the cause of world evangelization through study and evaluation of mission concepts and strategies from a biblical perspective with a view to commending sound mission theory and practice to churches, mission agencies, and the schools of missionary training around the world. Join Dr. Daniel Akin
Calibrate is a night of worship and fellowship for students in the College at Southeastern. This night will feature student-led worship, artistic expression, and the preaching of Scripture by Duce Branch. Join together with your fellow college students for an evening dedicated to focusing on the glory of God and reorienting God’s people back to love
One of the many ways that our student body is blessed is through Southeastern’s Auxiliary Ministry, The Share Shop. Students fill the Share Shop with household items and clothing than they need to give away, and in turn, are able to shop for free. From coffee mugs, to lamp shades, to shoes and clothes for
The Student Life Office invites you to THE END OF MADNESS on Monday, April 4, starting at 7pm. Student vs. Faculty Game Some of our outstanding faculty members have agreed to show their basketball skills in the Student vs. Faculty game. The students participating have been chosen by Intramural Staff as the all-stars of intramural basketball
The Share Shop and Manna Ministries will have modified hours for Easter Break next week. As always, no donations will be accepted during the times that the donation area is closed. Monday, March 21 Donation Area Open 8am-8pm, Volunteer Hours By Appointment Only. Tuesday, March 22 Donation Area Open 8am-8pm, Shopping Hours 5pm-8pm, Volunteer Hours By
Keesee Workshop | Monday | March 28 | 11:00am – 1:00pm | Ledford Main
Andrew Lamme, the Lead Church Planting Catalyst for Toronto, Canada, will be hosting a luncheon on campus on March 31 in the Sam James Room in the CGCS. Andrew is excited to meet with students, discuss future ministry in Toronto, and maybe even talk you into planting a church in one of the most up-and-coming
Jon Deedrick will be leading our prayer spotlight during chapel on Tuesday, March 15! He’ll be sharing his heart for South America. If you are interested in serving in a South American context COME BY THE CGCS AFTER CHAPEL FOR A FREE INFORMATIONAL LUNCHEON! This “Reaching and Teaching” luncheon will help connect you to people
Check out this week’s video announcement to find out what’s going on Around Southeastern. Crossover St. Louis | June 6 – June 10 | St. Louis, MO Family Life Conference | Friday | April 1 | 6:30pm | Wake Forest Baptist Church Family Life Conference | Saturday | April 2 | 9:00am | Wake Forest
The Center for Faith and Culture invites students to come and enjoy a lecture with Dr. Michael Ward. This lecture will take place on Tuesday, March 29 from 7–8:30pm in The Center for Faith and Culture in Patterson. Dr. Ward is a Senior Research Fellow at Blackfriars Hall in the University of Oxford and author of Planet Narnia: