Author: StudentLife

Reaching and Teaching Luncheon with Jon Deedrick | March 15

Jon Deedrick will be leading our prayer spotlight during chapel on Tuesday, March 15! He’ll be sharing his heart for South America. If you are interested in serving in a South American context COME BY THE CGCS AFTER CHAPEL FOR A FREE INFORMATIONAL LUNCHEON! This “Reaching and Teaching” luncheon will help connect you to people

Center For Faith And Culture Lecture with Dr. Michael Ward | March 29

The Center for Faith and Culture invites students to come and enjoy a lecture with Dr. Michael Ward. This lecture will take place on Tuesday, March 29 from 7–8:30pm in The Center for Faith and Culture in Patterson. Dr. Ward is a Senior Research Fellow at Blackfriars Hall in the University of Oxford and author of Planet Narnia:

Nehemiah Teams Info Meeting And Pizza Luncheon | March 8

Want to take the gospel to people who have never heard?  Want to travel to some of the hardest places on earth?  Serve overseas THIS SUMMER with long term church planters and in partnership with the International Mission Board to bring the gospel to those who have never had a chance to hear! Nehemiah Teams

The CGCS Hosts A Returning Missionaries Meeting | March 15

This event is for returning missionaries, which includes any journeymen, returning career missionaries, or anyone who accepted the VRI packet. Whether you returned in January or 3 years ago, you are welcome to attend this evening of fellowship as we talk about our terms, rejoice over what God is doing, and pray for the nations. Coffee

All Women’s Chapel and Brown Bag Lunch with Elyse Fitzpatrick | March 16

Women’s Life is hosting the spring All-Women’s Chapel on March 16 from 10-11am in Binkley Chapel. This semester’s guest speaker will be Elyse Fitzpatrick. She is the Director of Women Helping Women Ministries and is a prolific author of numerous books. Following chapel, there will be a brown bag luncheon and a time of Q&A

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