Author: StudentLife

Women’s Life Connecting Point | Free Childcare Provided | March 14

Connecting Point exists to foster fellowship and spiritual maturity among women of Southeastern. This includes all of our female students, student wives, faculty wives, female staff, and staff wives. The event is free and so is childcare! If you need childcare for this event, please register by Friday, March 11th by calling the Women’s Life

Francis A. Schaeffer Society Hosts “Engaging the Post-Christian Mind for the Gospel” Lecture and Discussion | March 14

The Francis A. Schaeffer Society at Southeastern is hosting a lecture on “Engaging the Post-Christian Mind for the Gospel.” The event will start with a 30-minute lecture by Dr. Bruce Little followed by a time of discussion. Participants will be considering the challenges of speaking Truth to the Post-Christian mind and possible ways to overcome

Here’s What’s Going on Around Southeastern | Week of February 22

Check out this week’s announcement video to find out what’s going on Around Southeastern. Oxford Study Program Interest Meeting | Monday | February 29 | 3-4pm | Patterson Hall 223 Kingdom Diversity Bagged Lunch Series | Tuesday | March 1 | 11:30am | Sam James Conference Room Finding Articles For Your Research | Tuesday |

EQUIP Office Hosts Cross Church School of Ministry Luncheon | February 23

Come join Dr. Jeff Crawford, from Cross Church in Northwest Arkansas, and hear about their program and partnership with Southeastern. Dr. Crawford will be speaking about the Cross Church School of Ministry, a one-year residential ministry experience that prepares leaders for life, ministry, and global Gospel advancement. This opportunity provides practical ministry experience and allows

SLAM Poetry Contest

SLAM is hosting its first ever Poetry Competition! Submit your poetry, whatever the type: limerick, blank verse, sonnet, haiku, etc. Winners will be published in SLAM’s spring edition. Up to 22 Lines per poem Up to two entries per person Submit to If you would like to submit a poem, the deadline for the Poetry

GENSend Interest Meeting & Free Lunch | February 18

The North American Mission Board will be taking a life changing trip this summer from June 20th – July 29th, where both men and women will experience what it is like to live daily for Jesus in an urban context! We will learn what it means to walk in the Spirit as we live life.

Did You Know?

Did you know that the Copy Center has some great resources that many students don’t even know about? Students can copy, laminate, bind, scan, and so much more! Don’t forget about some of the FREE services offered as well! No matter what you need, the Copy Center student workers are here for you – but make

Here’s What’s Going on Around Southeastern | Week of February 15

Check out this week’s announcement video to find out what’s going on Around Southeastern. Carver Barnes Lectureship | Monday | February 22 | 7pm | Patterson Hall – Center for Faith & Culture Finding Books For Your Research | Tuesday | February 23 | 5pm | Library – Sailhamer Room, 2nd Floor Finding Books For Your

Carver Barnes Lectureship with Dr. Gregory A. Thornbury | Monday, February 22

The Carver-Barnes Lecture Fund was established in 1961. It is funded by income from gifts of Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Fechner of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, and Mrs. W. Lee Beaver of Chesterfield, Missouri. The Lecture is named in honor of Dr. W. O. Carver (1868-1954), Professor of Missions at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and

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