Author: StudentLife

Getty Sing! Conference

Register for MUS4678-MUS7678, led by Dr. Welch! Southeastern students may attend the conference for a significant discount by singing in the Getty Conference choir– a fantastic experience to join hundreds of other singers from around the world. To receive the discounted rate, contact Carter Ellison ( by May 1st.

Lunch on the Lawn

Join us on the Quad on May 5th for Lunch on the Lawn! Free food for all SEBTS students, staff, and faculty starting at 11:30 AM until supplies run out. We will have lunch options from Zaxby’s and Panera Bread. Grab a blanket or a lawn chair and join us for great food and fun

Finals Week Fun

📣 ANNOUNCEMENT: As finals are quickly approaching, so is FINALS WEEK FUN from May 1st-5th! And this year, we’re “GOing to the Beach!” We know finals season can be overwhelming, so to help, we’ve planned out some fun (and de-stressing) treats and activities for you! Check out the awesome lineup of events and treats we

Women’s Events Survey

Ladies! Will you take this quick survey to let us know how we can better serve you through our events? We would love to get your feedback!  

Women’s Exposition Wednesday

This coming April 26th is Women’s Exposition Wednesday at Appleby Chapel from 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM. There will be a panel with Dr. Daub, Dr. Higgins, Dr. Kellen, and Dr. Thornton. They will each share how they look at the story of the Woman at the Well through the lens of each of their

Ping Pong Tournament

Coming to a table near you! What: Ping Pong Tournament When: Saturday, April 22nd at 10:30 AM Where: Ledford Center How: Register on IMleagues. This will be a singles tournament, double elimination format.

Commissioning Chapel

Join us for Southeastern’s Commissioning Chapel on April 18th at 10:30 AM to recognize and pray for those who are being sent out by the church in 2023. We will recognize international and North American missionaries and church planters on this day along with all students who went or are going on a mission trip

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