Author: StudentLife

Pastor’s Conference FBC Jacksonville, FL

The 26th Annual Pastor’s Conference will be January 26 – January 29, 2011 at FBC Jacksonville, FL. ( Students and spouses may attend this conference at a reduced rate of $50.00. To receive this reduced rate, students must register for CED7951 Advanced Practicum in Christian Leadership (3 semester hours, seminary) or MIN4692 Christian Ministry Workshop

New Employment Services

Students or dependents of students can now view FULL job postings and send their resume immediately!  Visit to enter the NEW employment website, upload your resume, and start applying for jobs! Employment is now a service of the Student Resources Office, located on the first floor of the Ledford Student Center. Please feel free

Chili Cook-Off: This Thursday

This Thursday, November 10 is our annual Chili Cook-Off. Come down to the Ledford Center at 5:30 PM and help yourself to some of the greatest chili you might ever have. This is a hoppin’ evening that only lasts a short while, so get here early to enjoy a great night complete with food and

ARMY CHAPLAINCY Informational Meeting

ARMY CHAPLAINCY The best of youth ministry, pastoral counseling, evangelism, mission work and social justice! Do you feel called to care for the spiritual needs of our military men and women?  Chaplain (MAJ) Michael Pauls, will be visiting Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary to answer your questions about the joys and challenges of Army Chaplaincy.  If

Registration for Jan & Spr

Registration for the January and Spring Terms will begin on Monday, November 14, 2011, by class level. Please refer to the Registration Instructions for important policies and deadlines related to registration. For anyone planning on graduating in the Spring, please also submit your graduation application after you have registered for your Spring courses. Registration Instructions

Mission Trip to South Asia

There are now only 2 seats still open for those of you who would like to spend a couple weeks working on the cutting edge of evangelism, discipleship and leadership training. You’ll have the unique opportunity to minister in possibly the only Muslim country currently experiencing a church growth explosion. The trip costs $2,700, and

Sudan Mission Trip

Want to see the Great Commission combined with the Great Commandment to embark on a holistic, church-planting adventure? Then this summer you should go to South Sudan with e3 partners and Greg Mathias. The trip is June 12-23, 2012. The cost is $3850 with a $400 non-refundable deposit and 3 hours credit, tuition cost waived.

Brazil Mission Trip

Sign up NOW to spend 9 days in Brazil! Your team departs a couple days after graduation (on May 18) and returns on May 28. This trip will be working with local believers, team members will build relationships and practice evangelism. Evangelistic methods will include the EvangeCube and keyboard lessons to interested students, which creates

New York City Mission Trip

With the cold weather coming are you looking forward to summer already?? Well be sure to check out our summer mission trip to New York City, May 19-26, 2012. The cost of the trip is $900 with a $100 non-refundable deposit and you can get 3 hours credit! The greater metro NYC area is home

Deadline to enter Chili Cook-Off: November 3

Do you have a killer chili recipe? If so, the Student Life Office is looking for you! On Thursday, November 10th we will be hosting the annual “Chili Cook-Off,” and we need your help. Click here to register for the Chili Cook-Off. We will be evaluating the spice, taste, texture and letting our all-star faculty judges decide

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