Author: StudentLife

Breakfast With Docs | October 26th

Come have breakfast with Dr. McKenzie, Dr. Merkle, & Dr. Liederbach and get a chance to chat and really get to know our professors in a casual setting! There is limited seating so reserve your spot quickly! We will be meeting in the Ledford multipurpose room upstairs. Tickets are free and will guarantee you a

9-Ball and Ping Pong Tournaments | October 22nd

Get ready Southeastern, it’s time to put down the books and pick up the paddle because the annual ping pong tournament is here! Intramurals at Southeastern will be playing host to a ping pong tournament on October 22nd at 6 PM in the Ledford Center game room. Whether you are a serious paddler or not

Craft & Bake Sale | November 3rd

The annual Craft & Bake Sale is an opportunity for students of Southeastern to create and sell their crafts and baked goods for the community! Over 50 vendors will be set up and offering various creative, handmade item making this a perfect opportunity to start your Christmas shopping. This event is free and open to

2019 Winter/Spring Course Registration Dates

STUDENTS – it’s that time again! Be sure to keep track of when registration opens for your degree program and year in school! Start figuring out which courses you need, and add these dates into your calendar: Advanced PhD, EdD, DMin – 10/1 ThM – 10/22 Seminary Senior – 10/29 Middler – 10/31 Junior –

Kingdom Diversity Bagged Lunch Series | October 2nd

Join Kingdom Diversity on October 2nd for their Bagged Lunch Series on the topic… “Getting Too Political: Is Politics a Distraction from the Gospel?” Bring your lunch and join us in the Sam James Conference Room in Jacumin-Simpson from 11:45 to 12:45!

Hurricane Florence | Pray, Give, Go.

There are many who have been affected by Hurricane Florence in our state. We as a campus community are working closely with NAMB to plan several ministry opportunities to the parts of North Carolina suffering the most. However, there are ways you can begin to help those effected in our state now: 1) Pray. Pray

CFC Luncheon with Ross Douthat | October 22nd

The Center for Faith and Culture invites you to a luncheon with New York Times Columnist Ross Douthat on Monday, October 22nd at 11:30 a.m. in the Ledford Event Room. Ross Douthat is a New York Times op-ed columnist who writes about politics, religion, moral values and higher education. His columns appear each Wednesday and

Library Workshop: Zotero | September 25th – 27th

If you have struggled with footnotes and bibliographies when writing papers, then this workshop is for you. We will introduce you to the free software citation management software Zotero. Bring your computer for this event. You will be thank us for showing you this. Register for September 25th HERE. Register for September 26th HERE. Register

Timothy+Barnabas Exchange Conference | November 6th

Timothy-Barnabas: Help for Leading Families and Churches   LEADERSHIP. It’s implicit and crucial in both the ministry leader’s home and field of service. As Gospel stewards, we’re responsible for shepherding those in our families and churches to Christlikeness, leading them to become high-definition pictures of the Gospel of Christ. To help with this task, the

Come to the Table Exhibit | September 24th

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary’s L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture will host a national traveling art exhibit called “Come to the Table.” The exhibit is made available through Christians in the Visual Arts (CIVA), a non-profit organization founded in 1979 dedicated to exploring and nurturing the relationship between the visual arts and the

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