Author: StudentLife

Really BIG Event | October 3rd

The Really Big Event is a campus wide cookout! Bring your family, a chair or blanket, and get ready to have really big fun! Dinner is provided. See you on the field next to Ledford! October 3rd | 5:30pm – 7:30pm | Field next to Ledford

Library Workshop: Researching for Papers | September 18th – 20th

Ever wondered how the professionals do research? In this Library Workshop we will cover what the research process looks like, how to manage your time for research, and how to find and use the appropriate databases for research. Register for September 18th HERE. Register for September 19th HERE. Register for September 20th HERE. Library |

Spikeball Tournament | September 24th

Guess what?? The Second Annual Spikeball tourney is here! Spikeball is an exciting new game that has gained national popularity over the last few years. Spikeball is a combination of volleyball and four square borrowing similar rules from each while remaining a unique sport of its own. As you can imagine Spikeball is a fun

Hurricane Florence Update

Campus Operations will be suspended at 5pm on Wednesday, September 12th. Offices will be closed and classes will be canceled through Saturday. The Ledford Center will remain open with shortened hours of operation from 8am to 7pm. However, hours of operations for Ledford are subject to change when/if safety issues become a concern. Magnolia Kitchen

Worship as We GO Songwriting Challenge | Drafts Due October 5, 2018

Purpose: To display and develop the songwriting gifts of Southeastern students as they create songs expressing the mission of Southeastern. Southeastern Mission Statements: Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping students to serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission. The College at Southeastern equips students to give their

IMB Student Missions Panel | September 11th

Come and learn about Southeastern students’ experiences in student missions with IMB and learn how YOU can get involved! Join us for lunch on September 11 at 11:30am in Jacumin-Simpson as an IMB mobilizer interviews a panel of SEBTS students who have served over Christmas, summer, semester, year, and two year terms. The students will

Performing Arts Club Auditions

The Southeastern Performing Arts Club is an opportunity for those interested in the arts to glorify the Lord and fellowship with others through acting! This semester (Fall 2018), they will be performing The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe and will be hosting auditions on September 10th. For more information about audition for the show

Dr. McMillon’s Lunch and Learn Series: Stress | September 12th

Feeling stressed? Misunderstood and dangerously downplayed, stress is the leading cause of many health problems. Forget what you think you know about stress. You will learn about the latest research on how to identify it and strategies to prevent and counteract it. Twice this fall, Dr. Joshua McMillon will be speaking in the Ledford Multi-Purpose Room on topics

CFC Lecture with Dr. Michael Ward | September 18th

The Center for Faith and Culture invites you to hear Dr. Michael Ward on Tuesday, September 18th at 7:00 pm in the CFC Seminar Room (Patterson Hall 223). Dr. Ward will be lecturing on C.S. Lewis and Dr. Ward’s book, Planet Narnia. Dr. Ward is Senior Research Fellow at Blackfriars Hall, University of Oxford. He

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