Author: StudentLife

Scholarship Opportunity for Women

We have a wonderful scholarship opportunity for women at Southeastern.We want every female student to hear about this! Details can be found below: Presented by The Southeastern Women’s Fellowship For women who are being trained for service in the Lord’s Kingdom. The Scholarship is determined by committee regarding the combination of academic diligence and church

Intramural Ultimate Frisbee | March 17 – May 5

With the combination of the non-stop movement and endurance of soccer and the airborne passing skills and abilities of football, ultimate Frisbee is one of the most exciting intramural sports at SEBTS. If you’re ready to get grass stains on your shorts while enjoying the warmer weather of spring, you will not want to miss

Women’s Emphasis Week | February 26 – March 2

Next week is Women’s Emphasis Week at Southeastern and there is so much happening that you should be looking forward to! Below is the schedule for the week: Monday, February 26 *11:30am-1pm Women in the Workplace Luncheon: Do you struggle in working in an environment when the majority staff is male? Do you want to

Kingdom Choir Praise Concert | March 1

Join the Southeastern Kingdom Choir for a concert of praise in Appleby Chapel on Thursday, March 1st at 7pm. The choir will present songs of praise and testimony to the Lord and call upon others to join in singing praise to His name. The music will range from a cappella choir music to black gospel

Women in the Workplace Luncheon | February 26

“As part of the Women’s Emphasis Week, the Office for the Assistant Dean of Students to Women and the Career Development Office are hosting a luncheon to discuss issues of Women in the Workplace. The event will consists of a lunch, provided by the school, and a panel discussion on the theme of “Finding the

Free Health Screenings! | February 17

Duke Memorial Baptist Church will be hosting the North Carolina Baptists on Mission Health Screening Ministry mobile unit Saturday February 17, 2018 from 9am-3pm. Testing may include: • Vital Signs Assessment (Blood Pressure, Height, Weight, Body Mass Index, Pulse) • Cholesterol Screening • Screening for Diabetes • Heart Disease Risk Assessment • Depression Screening The

Summer Camp Staff Opportunities | February 15

Need Summer Plans? Representatives from several State Baptist Conventions will be on campus Thursday and Friday to share about summer camp staff opportunities. If you love students and the outdoors you’ll want to hear more! Stop by the booths in the Ledford Center Thursday and Friday to learn more.

Intramural Spikeball Tournament | February 19

With a mix between your favorite childhood game of four square and volleyball, spikeball is one of the most popular games in America today! It’s a fun, active, and competitive competition that is sure to have you breaking a sweat and laughing in the first 10 minutes of play. The game is a two on

“Silence, Solitude and Song” Lecture at the CFC | February 8

The CFC is pleased to have Dr. Steven Guthrie as the Keynote Speaker for the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Society for Christian Scholarship in Music to be hosted at SEBTS Feb 8-10. While the conference is limited to registered attendees, SEBTS students are invited to hear Dr. Guthrie speak on “Silence, Solitude and Song:

Fitness Classes at SEBTS

Have you ever felt tired or lethargic when doing things throughout the day?Do you find yourself struggling to be productive in a class or at work? If so, you might be out of shape and inneed of exercise! Numerous studies show that people who work out and exercise are better workers, more productive, perform better,

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