Author: StudentLife
Dr. Thomas Kidd will be joining us for a Library Talk. Dr. Kidd will be discussing how he researches and writes, how to balance life and academia, and how to use criticism of your work to your advantage. To register for this event click here.
The Student Life Division will be holding a Men’s Club Basketball Interest Meeting at 6:00pm on October 2nd in the Multi-Purpose Room in Ledford. This will be the first time students will be able to compete against other Colleges and Universities, but also use basketball as a platform to share the gospel and serve in
Over the past year, and especially this past week, professional athletes have “taken a knee” during the National Anthem as a form of protest. Join us for a discussion surrounding the initial reasons of the protest, why it’s controversial, and a Christian response to this important cultural development. #TakeaKnee
If you’re interested in spending 8-weeks working among the unreached and hard-to-reach, then come learn about Nehemiah Teams! Nehemiah Teams is an 8-week summer mission opportunity for students ages 17-29 which strategically involves them in cross-cultural missions among unreached people groups. As a program of the International Mission Board (IMB), Nehemiah Teams partners with IMB
Interested in serving the conference as a volunteer? Sign up at and our events team will place you on the schedule. Please be aware that serving as a volunteer for the conference means you will not be able to attend the event during the serving times. Also know that we have a limited number of
The Women Around SE will be hosting this year’s annual Craft and Bake Sale on November 4th from 9am-3pm in the Ledford Center Gymnasium. Come enjoy handmade crafts and baked goods from local vendors around Wake Forest. This event is free and open to the public, so tell all your friends! Also, if you would
Students, this Tuesday September 26 immediately following chapel, there will be a free lunch hosted by the North American Mission Board in the CGCS. Tommy Park, a Miami church planter, will be joining us on campus to discuss the needs and opportunities for gospel ministry in Miami, Florida.
Have you ever wondered how evangelism, missions and spiritual disciplines are connected to the Great Commission or how you ministry deepens your walk with the Lord? You’ll address, discuss and practically engage these questions and more in the Mentorship Program at The Center for Great Commission Studies. Alongside Dr. Hildreth, each mentorship gathering will include a special
On October 1, 2017 at 5:00 pm, Dr. Russell Moore will be speaking at Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC the topic of adoption and orphan care. On October 1 at 5 pm Dr. Russell Moore, president of the ERLC, will be speaking at Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC. Dr. Moore is
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) had the privilege of welcoming Dr. Frank Page, president of the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), as the chapel speaker on Sept. 7. Drawing from the Apostle Paul’s words in Philippians 3, Page spoke on the importance of how a Christian can face reality in a godly