Author: StudentLife

NETS Center for Church Planting and Revitalization Dinner | November 9

The NETS Center for Church Planting and Revitalization has openings for pastoral interns in New England. NETS trains and sends seminary graduates to plant and replant gospel-driven churches in New England and beyond. To find out more, spend An Evening with NETS on Thursday, November 9, from 6:00 – 8:00pm in the Ledford Multi-Purpose Room.

From a Liberal Arts Degree to a Job | November 7

Are you grateful for your Christian liberal arts education but not quite sure how you’ll go about getting a job after college? The C@SE equips students to give their lives for the cause of Christ in the Church, among the nations, and in every aspect of society. If you’re not planning to go into vocational

Folk Angel Christmas Concert | December 2

Get ready for the Christmas season with SEBTS! On Saturday, December 2nd, Folk Angel from the Village Church in Texas will be performing a Christmas concert on campus. The concert will be in Binkley Chapel and will be from 7-9:30pm. Tickets are FREE and all are welcome! To register, please go to, and if

An Evening with Drew & Ellie Holcomb

Drew and Ellie Holcomb are a husband and wife Americana duo from Nashville, TN. Shortly after their marriage in 2006, the couple began touring together with Drew Holcomb and The Neighbors. The band has supported many national touring acts including Ryan Adams, The Avett Brothers, Don Henley, and Willie Nelson. Ellie is no longer a

Page Lecture Series | October 17 & 18

Please join us for the annual Page Lecture Series with guest speaker Dr. Timothy George from Beeson Divinity School in Alabama. The lectures will be given on Tuesday, October 17 from 10:30-11:30am in Binkley Chapel (during the chapel hour) and Wednesday, October 18 from 10:30-11:30 in the Wake Forest Baptist Church Sanctuary. The Page Lectures

Important Information For Those Going To The Share Shop | October 14

The JROTC at Wake Forest High School is conducting its annual fish fry on Saturday, Oct. 14. The cooking area will be set up in the SEBTS purple parking lot, and part of Rock Springs Road will be blocked off to allow for safe transportation of the food from the purple lot to distribution points

SA&D Bake-Off | October 25

You’re invited to participate in the 1st Annual SA&D Bake-Off! Come enjoy a night of fun and friendly competition Wednesday October 25 from 6:30pm-8:30pm. Students, faculty, staff, and their spouses can compete to win the title of Bake-Off Champion! Prizes will be awarded in several categories including best cookie, best cake, best pie, best baked

Intramural Racquetball Tournament | October 19

Racquetball​ ​isn’t​ ​just​ ​the​ ​choice​ ​sport​ ​of​ ​80​ ​year​ ​old​ ​men​ ​at​ ​the​ ​Y​ ​and​ ​ivy​ ​league​ ​grad​ ​students between​ ​law​ ​classes,​ ​it’s​ ​also​ ​the​ ​choice​ ​sport​ ​for​ ​future​ ​pastors​ ​and​ ​missionaries​ ​as​ ​well! Because​ ​of​ ​the​ ​closed​ ​environment​ ​and​ ​fast-paced​ ​action,​ ​racquetball​ ​is​ ​a​ ​sport​ ​for​ ​anyone​ ​with good​ ​hand-eye​ ​coordination.​ ​October​ ​19,​ ​2017,​

Schaeffer Society Reading Group | October 23

Join the Francis A. Schaeffer Society Reading Group for our second discussion of the semester focused on The Benedict Option by Rod Dreher. In order to make this time together profitable, those attending are expected to read the The Benedict Option prior to our meeting. The Francis A. Schaeffer Society Reading Group is open to undergraduates, graduates, faculty, and

MACP Connection | October 24

Dr. Mathias and Dr. Dodson are hosting the MACP Connection to give ALL MACP students a chance to learn about the program and ask any questions you may have. It’ll be on October 24 at 3:00 pm in Eitel Auditorium. If you’d like to come, please RSVP by October 17 using this link:

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