Connect with Southeastern musicians and worship leaders while enjoying FREE Chick-fil-a® chicken biscuits on Wednesday, August 31 at 10:30am in the Appleby Bethea Room (below Appleby chapel). Hear important information about semester events and opportunities for music and worship at Southeastern. 2nd Wednesday | Wednesday| August 31 | 10:30am | Appleby Bethea Room
Student Life is excited to offer FREE fitness classes for women at Southeastern. This semester, we’re expanding our services to include both High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Zumba! Our instructors are experienced in leading group fitness classes and are excited to serve the women of SEBTS in this way. Zumba classes will be offered
All current Southeastern seminary/college students, staff, faculty, dependents, and alumni are invited to compete in our Intramural Flag Football Leagues. We have a men’s league, as well as a women’s league. All games will be played on Saturdays this fall and will be done by 2:00 pm. If you are interested you can sign up
Over the Summer we’ve seen an unfortunate number of incidences where racial tension has been central. As an institution, we would like to have an open and honest Gospel centered conversation about these events. The upcoming Town Hall Meeting hosted by the Kingdom Diversity Initiative will be a helpful venue to have a discussion concerning
Join Southeastern worship students in a conversation with Pastor Matt Mason, former worship leader (under David Platt) and current pastor at the Church at Brook Hills, Birmingham, AL on Tuesday, August 30 from 1:30-2:20pm. Our conversation will explore the role of a “worship leader,” as well as the relationship between a worship leader and a
Check out this week’s announcement to find out what’s going on Around Southeastern. New Chapel Time | Tuesdays & Thursdays | 10:30-11:30am Food Trucks on Campus | Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays | 11:30am – 1:00pm | Next to Ledford Library Workshop | Choosing Your Topic | Tuesday | August 30 | 4:30pm | Library Sailhamer Room Library
Since the Ledford Student Center is currently undergoing renovations, and will not open until later in September, The Court will not be available for food service. Therefore, we will be having Food Trucks on campus every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday beside Ledford, along West Ave. (the road that leads down from Wingate St. to
The Mentorship Program at the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture is designed to mentor a small number of students interested in thinking critically about crucial cultural issues in light of biblical Christianity. The format will examine different areas of culture in order to identify basic assumptions, beliefs, and values that give shape
We gladly invite you to join us on Tuesday, August 23 at 11:30am-2:00pm for our fall annual job fair! This year we expect over 40 employers from varying fields with a range in full and part time positions. All students and dependents are welcome to attend! Please be sure to sign up for the job
This summer, Southeastern has been excited to introduce our new seminary hymn “For the Cause,” written by modern hymnwriters Keith and Kristyn Getty with Stuart Townend. This fall semester, Southeastern students have the opportunity to sing with the Gettys while earning FREE credit for participation in the Kingdom Choir. The Kingdom Choir is a worship-leading