Free Ultrasound: First Choice Pregnancy Solutions

First Choice Pregnancy Solutions NEEDS 75 PREGNANT WOMEN TO RECEIVE A FREE ULTRASOUND for their nurse training between March 26-April 3. Women should be between 6-24 weeks pregnant at the time of the ultrasound. Email OR call 919-554-8093 to schedule your 45 minute appointment. You can bring your spouse, kids, a friend, or family member with

Video Announcements for the Week of March 17th

This week’s video announcements: Celebration on the Lawn To celebrate Dr. Akin’s 10 Year Anniversary as the President of Southeastern, we are hosting a campus wide luncheon immediately following chapel on April 1st. We’ll have a Free Food Truck rodeo, bouncy houses, climbing walls, and all kinds of games for your family. We hope everyone

Share Shop/Manna Ministry Hours

The temperature in Wake Forest may still be below freezing, but spring has arrived at the Share Shop! We are now accepting donations of spring and summer clothing. You can still find a warm coat on the racks during the month of March, but you can also look for that cute Easter outfit. Come and

Speaking for God in the Public Square Lecture

Please join us as David Mills presents his lecture, “Speaking for God in the Public Square.” After teaching and writing in an Episcopal seminary, Dr. Mills served as editor of Touchstone and executive editor of First Things magazines. He has edited a book of essays on C. S. Lewis, The Pilgrim’s Guide, and books of

Prospective Th.M. Student Luncheon

Southeastern is hosting a Prospective Th.M. Student Luncheon for any M.Div. students who are interested in learning more about the Th.M. degree on March 27th. The event will be held in the Center for Faith and Culture on the second floor of Patterson Hall, and it will be from 11AM (after chapel) – 12:15 PM.

Video Announcements for the Week of March 10th

This week’s Video Announcements Student Life Coffee House Student Life is hosting a Coffee House on March 13th in the Ledford Center. Come hangout and enjoy homemade cookies and milk. As always, coffee will be served as well. Details: Ledford Center March 13th 8:00pm-11:00pm CFC: Lecture with David Mills On March 13th, the Center for

Two Hour Delay – Tuesday – March 4th

SEBTS will operate on a 2 hour delay on Tuesday, March 4th. Offices will open and classes will start at 10am. Please make safety your priority when/if you travel to campus. Take care as you walk on campus, especially on exterior steps.

Schedule for Monday and Tuesday

Due to the forecasted inclement weather, the SEBTS campus closed early today at 3pm. If there are any changes to tomorrow’s schedule, notification will be posted by 6:30 am. If there are no notices posted, SEBTS will be operating on a normal schedule.

Need Scholarships? Find out more here!

Christian Community Credit Union has $50,000 in scholarships they need to give away! Interested? To qualify, applicants need to be: A member of Christian Community Credit Union with a Checking Account (newly-opened or existing) Attending a college, university, or seminary for the 2014-2015 academic year Enrolling (per semester/quarter) with 12 units or more for Undergraduate

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