Want to travel with a worship band while serving Southeastern?

ATTAM922 (ATTAM922.com) ATTAM922 is a traveling worship team with a passion for diverse corporate worship and we are having an open audition. What are we looking for? Worship Leaders Pianists/Keyboard Players Vocalists/Singers Guitarists (Acoustic/Electric/Bass/Mandolin/Banjo) Drummers Poets Rappers Song Writers Choir Directors Liturgical Dancers The audition will be held January 24th at 6:30pm on campus. Registration

Sing Hymns for the Christian Life with Keith and Kristyn Getty

On Tuesday, April 1st, modern hymn writers Keith and Kristyn Getty will return to Southeastern Seminary. Along with their world-class band, they will lead us in singing Hymns for the Christian Life at a 7pm concert. Southeastern students have the opportunity to participate in this concert by joining the Getty Mass Choir! Participants in this

Improve Your Skills for Musical Worship in Spring 2014

As Bob Kauflin writes in his book Worship Matters, “Skill matters to God” and “Skill helps us serve the church.” In the Spring 2014 semester, Southeastern students have opportunities to improve musical skills to better serve the church in worship ministry. 1. Improve your singing with Susan Lozaw, a certified instructor of contemporary vocal techniques.

Information Regarding Possible Impact of Inclement Weather

The weather forecast for Tuesday afternoon/evening calls for the potential of rain and snow. As temperatures drop tomorrow afternoon, the rain could create icy conditions on the area roads impacting travel on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. While not expected at this time, there is the chance that the start time for SEBTS could be

You’re Invited to the Southeastern Job Fair-January 17

Students and spouses are invited to the bi-annual Southeastern Job Fair! The Job Fair is scheduled for Friday, January 17 from 11 am-2 pm in Ledford. We will have several Wake Forest-area companies that are currently hiring or offering for-credit internships to our students in attendance. If you are interested in attending, please dress professionally

Merry Christmas – Offices Closed

Please note that Southeastern offices, the library and the Ledford Center will be closed from Monday, December 23rd-Friday, December 27th. We will resume normal operating hours starting Monday morning, December 30th. If you should need assistance during the holiday closure time you can use the following numbers below. Campus Security After Hours: 919-291-1903 Campus Maintenance/Housing Maintenance

NRCA Tuition Discount

NRCA is offering pastors, pastoral leadership, seminary professors, and Christian educators a 50% tuition discount on the 1st child, 33% on the 2nd child, and 25% on the 3rd child.  The only other qualification is that they receive a full-time salary from ministry (35 hours for pastors and pastoral leadership or full-time teaching and/or administrative

Ledford Center Christmas Break Hours

Ledford Center Break hours: Monday: 6am – 8pm Tuesday: 6am – 8pm Wednesday: 6am – 5pm Thursday: 6am – 8pm Friday: 6am – 5pm Saturday: 10am – 4pm Locker Break hours: Monday: 9am – 3pm Tuesday: 9am – 3pm Wednesday: 9am – 3pm Thursday: 9am – 3pm Friday: 9am – 3pm Ledford Center will be

Shopping Hours for Manna Ministry & Share Shop

Students and families: Did you know that SEBTS offers a Manna Ministry and Share Shop? You can learn more at http://www.sebts.edu/student-life/missions-ministry/sharing-shop-manna.aspx. Hours of operation are below, including their Christmas schedule. Merry “shopping!” Tuesdays 6:00pm – 9:00pm Saturdays 10:00am-1:00pm Closed on Tuesday, December 24 and Tuesday, December 31  

Pastor’s Conference FBC Jacksonville, FL

The 28th Annual Pastor’s Conference will be January 23 – January 26, 2014 at FBC Jacksonville, FL. (www.jaxpastorsconference.com) Students and spouses may attend this conference at a reduced rate of $50.00. This rate also includes some meals. Speakers this year include: Robert Smith, Al Mohler, Jim Cymbala, Richard Owen Roberts, Johnny Hunt, Henry Morris, III

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