As Bob Kauflin writes in his book Worship Matters, “Skill matters to God” and “Skill helps us serve the church.” In the Spring 2014 semester, Southeastern students have opportunities to improve musical skills to better serve the church in worship ministry. 1. Improve your singing with Susan Lozaw, a certified instructor of contemporary vocal techniques.
Trick or Treat? Life & Mission at the Intersection of Faith & Culture Wednesday, October 30th, 2013 @ 10:00am in Binkley Chapel Casual conversations are casual in demeanor, but biblically, theologically & ethically rigorous in content. Text questions for the panel to 919-435-2351 #SECasConvo
Are you currently serving as the lead pastor at a church? Next Tuesday, Oct. 29th, we want to recognize your service and pray for you during chapel. Dr. Akin will ask you to stand during the service and we will all gather together for a special time of prayer over you and your ministry. In
Please join us this Friday, October 25th, for an all-day event as our guest speakers and some of our own Old Testament faculty discuss the scientific and biblical data for the age of the Earth and Noah’s flood. Both young-earth creation scientists and old-earth creation scientists will be present to dialogue with one another about
Do you have a killer chili recipe? If so, the Student Life Office is looking for you! On Monday, November 4, Student Life will be hosting the annual Chili Cook-Off, and we need your help. Click here to register for the Chili Cook-Off. We will be evaluating the spice, taste, texture and letting our all-star
Tomorrow, October 24th, the Wake Forest Chamber of Commerce is hosting their annual Business Expo. This year it will be hosted in the Ledford Center Gym from 3pm to 7pm. It is a great event through which you can learn about area businesses, and there are always a host of free giveaways at the booths.
Next Thursday, October 24th we are having a lunch right after chapel to which we are inviting all the Spanish speaking students and staff. The lunch will take place in the conference room of the Great Commission Center (CGCS). We are planning to start at 11:15am. Lunch will be served. The idea is to gather
Starting Monday October 14, the Court will be opening at 7AM. Breakfast will be available from 7AM until 10:30AM, Monday through Friday. Stop by and try one of our breakfast sandwiches with a cup of Larry’s organic coffee!
The Th.M. Office is holding a Prospective Student Luncheon for any M.Div. students interested in learning about the Th.M. degree. The luncheon will be held on October 29 from 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM in the Center for Faith and Culture on the second floor of Patterson Hall. To RSVP, contact Jordan Cramer at
Many can recount the story of Noah’s flood, even those outside of Christendom. Though it is a well-known narrative, there remains an intense debate over the extent of the flood and its chronology in relation to the age of the Earth. Where do dinosaurs fit into the story and are the six days in the