New Frequent Diner Cards @ The Court

The Court now has a Frequent Diner Card available that entitles an individual to buy 4 combos and get the 5th combo free. The Court has three combo options: $5.50 combo regular sandwich/ hot feature + side + fountain drink $7 combo regular sandwich/ hot feature, two sides and a fountain drink $7.50 combo 2

March Madness: Giveaways, games, and free, good food (THIS MONDAY!)

Giveaways. Games. Free food. PLUS the NCAA Championship game. Come to the Southeastern March Madness Party on Monday, April 8! This year we are giving you the All Access Pass… pulling out all of the stops! We will be serving a meal from Carrabba’s to the first 250 guests of the night. The event tips off at 8:47 PM in Ledford.

My Hope with Billy Graham- free evangelism course

The My Hope with Billy Graham course is a free evangelism course offered to current students, local pastors, and community members. The class will meet in Eitel Auditorium on the Wake Forest campus on Saturday, April 27 from 9:00am – 12:30 pm.  Students may receive up to 1 hour through this course for no charge. Click

BWI Graduation

Ladies, have you completed the required courses for your certificate or diploma? Please contact the Women’s Life Office for more information on Spring Graduation.  The Spring 2013 Awards Chapel will take place Tuesday, May 7th. Please click here to complete the BWI Graduation Application and return it to the Women’s Life Office by Wednesday, April

Want free coffee and chai during the month of April?

Purchase a Global Missions Week ’13 tumbler for just $10.00 in Jacumin-Simpson, Ledford Center, and the Library. During the month of April you can get free refills  of coffee or chai in the Center for Great Commission Studies  with the use of that tumbler. There will also be two additional coffee stations set up in

Sign Language Interpreter Needed

Richland Creek Community Church is in search of a male sign language interpreter for their Annual Men’s Retreat on April 12-13. The interpreter does not need to be certified– just willing to serve. This is a paid position. Free room and board for the weekend is included. For more information about the Men’s Retreat click

Ledford Closing: Friday and Saturday, 03/29-3/30

This Friday and Saturday the Ledford Center and the Share Shop will be closed due to Easter. Additionally, LifeWay will remain open for normal operating hours from 10am-2pm. Access to the store can be made through the back door on the west side of the Ledford Center which is located near the loading dock. If

BibleWorks 9 Software Discount

For a limited time, students, faculty, and staff of SEBTS/C@SE may purchase BibleWorks 9 for only $259.00 – a savings of $100 off the retail price. Dr. Kellum is the “Licensing Coordinator” for SEBTS/C@SE. BibleWorks 9 is the premier original languages Bible software program for Biblical exegesis and research. It comes with 200+ Bible translations

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