Want to watch the NCAA basketball championship in style? You better plan to come to the Southeastern March Madness Party on Monday, April 8! This year we are giving you the All Access Pass… pulling out all of the stops! Great food. Amazing prizes. Lots of fun. Tons of style. Dinner for the first 250 guests will be provided by Carrabba’s
College Juniors and Seniors: Enter the 2013 Baccalaureate Colloquium academic writing competition. The First Place award is $500! Second Place is $250! and Third Place is $150! Get more information on your Moodle page link for the Writing Center, or contact Dr. Ladd at sladd@sebts.edu. Deadline for submissions is April 17, 2013.
Do you have too many things or items you don’t really need? Would you like to earn some extra money or raise some for an upcoming mission trip? If so, we invite you to participate in the Campus-Wide Yard Sale. Over 45 students have participated in the past, so this is a great time for
We are a EQUIP ministry partner. We offer school credit through SEBTS for working camp during the summer. We are a summer day camp located in Henderson, North Carolina. We are looking for someone to lead our camp photography and edit videos for the summer. This person will be in charge of uploading photos to
While you are watching NCAA basketball teams throw down on the court, come by and chow down at The Court. They will be offering a free drink with the purchase of a combo meal at lunch tomorrow during the NCAA basketball tournament. So, come enjoy the best of both worlds-tournament and lunch or basketball and
Dear Students, Let me encourage you to read about an exciting opportunity below. You don’t want to miss the chance to support our convention and learn more about your denomination all while earning credit towards your degree. Southeastern is happy to provide our students with new and exciting ways to glorify our Lord by equipping
MARRIAGE MARCH DO YOU BELIEVE THAT EVERY CHILD DESERVES A MOM AND A DAD? Join us on March 26 as the US Supreme Court convenes to hear arguments in a case that could determine the future of marriage! We will stand united in Washington, DC to support marriage, religious liberty, and the right of every child to both a mom
As a reminder: all students who want to submit a NCAA bracket for the SEBTS challenge, must do so before tomorrow. All picks will lock at the scheduled tip-off time of the Tournament scheduled for Thursday, March 21, 2013. Entries will no longer be accepted after the tip-off of the first game. For more information about the
We want to invite everyone our to our 2013 Intramural co-ed volleyball and co-ed futsal seasons! Futsal information Futsal will take place from April 2nd to April 30th and will be played on Tuesday evenings in the Ledford gym. If you have never heard of futsal it is a version of indoor soccer played with
Student Life wants to put you to the test! Enter to win $50 to Dick’s Sporting Goods by filling out a winning NCAA bracket! Brackets for the NCAA basketball tourney are available by going online to ESPN’s website, entering the SEBTS March Madness ’13 Group, and filling it in with your predictions. Want to join