Take a Study Break this Thursday! Free pancakes!

Are you exhausted from countless nights without sleep? Are you sick of writing papers? Are you spending more time at the library than in your own home? Don’t you think it’s time to take a break from studying?!? We couldn’t agree more! Therefore, the Student Life Office invites you to Study Break. It is this Thursday, December

Scholarships for Graduate Students

Do you want money for grad school? Two scholarships are offered to students by the Center for Scholarship Administration for SEBTS students. The Risden P. Reece Scholarship and the Daniel R. Hoover Scholarship are available for students preparing for the ministry and who demonstrate financial need.  Fill out the application at www.csascholars.org.

Shane and Shane/Phil Wickham Concert and Free After-Party

On Wednesday, December 5th, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary will be hosting the Shane & Shane/Phil Wickham Christmas Tour. Come join the SEBTS community as we celebrate Christmas with these amazing artists! Tickets are $12 and can be purchased at www.sebts.edu. Immediately following the concert will be a free after-party event sponsored by Kanakuk Kamps of

Pastor’s Conference FBC Jacksonville, FL

The 27th Annual Pastor’s Conference will be January 24 – January 27, 2013 at FBC Jacksonville, FL.  Students and spouses may attend this conference at a reduced rate of $50.00. This rate will also include some meals. To receive this reduced rate, students must register for CED7951 Advanced Practicum in Christian Leadership (3 semester hours,

Southeastern Opens the Christmas Season Giving Glory to God

On Friday night, November 30th, at 7:00 PM, Southeastern will begin the Christmas season by presenting Glory to God: A Southeastern Christmas. Come join Dr. Akin and the Southeastern community as we hear the Biblical account of Christ’s birth read and join together in songs that give “glory to God.” The program will include contemporary

Building on the Legacy of Francis Schaeffer

Building on the Legacy of Francis Schaeffer, Friday, November 30, Sessions at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. in the Center for Faith and Culture seminar room at SEBTS. Come join us as Nancy Pearcey of Houston Baptist University shows us how to deepen, advance, and apply key elements of Schaeffer’s cultural analysis. The 10:00 a.m.

An Announcement from the Library

The Library’s Inter-Library Loan department will shut down on December 2nd, 2012. This means that we will no longer be able to request items from other libraries and have them sent here after this date. Please plan accordingly. Requests for items from other libraries will be possible again starting January 2nd, 2013.

Sign up to enter the Chili Cook-Off! Deadline tomorrow (Wed)!

Do you have a killer chili recipe? If so, the Student Life Office is looking for you! On Monday, November 12 we will be hosting the annual “Chili Cook-Off,” and we need your help. Click here to register for the Chili Cook-Off. We will be evaluating the spice, taste, texture and letting our all-star faculty judges decide

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