The Wakefield Baptist Church clothes closet will be open October 13 from 10am-12pm. Come see the great selection of fall and winter clothing now available. Everything is free. For further information please contact Linda Evans at or Wakefield Baptist Church at 570-5777.
Harrison, the 10 year-old son of Dr. McKinion, is a fifth-grader who was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on December 9, 2011, just five days after his birthday. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common form of childhood cancer. CrossFit Confortare will be hosting a benefit workout on Saturday, October 20th, 2012 at 10:30am to
There will be three opportunities to register as a voter in North Carolina over the next week. If you have moved to the area recently, make sure your address is up to date so that you can vote in the general election on Nov. 6. You can also change your party affiliation by filling out
On Friday night, October 19, at 7:00 PM music ensembles from Southeastern will be joining with musicians from Mount Vernon Baptist Church in Raleigh for a concert of worship music entitled Praise to the King. The program will include worship songs, hymn arrangements, choral anthems, and instrumental music accompanied by Scripture readings and opportunities for
Are you interested in digging deeper into the Bible? Want to be in community with other women who have the same passions that you do? Sign up for the Biblical Women’s Institute Term 2 classes. Classes begin Tuesday, October 16th and Thursday, October 18th. We even have a weekend intensive during Term 2 if you can’t
The Th.M. and Thesis Studies Office, in partnership with the Admissions office would like to invite all interested Master of Divinity students to attend an informational luncheon about the Master of Theology Program. The Th.M. program is a 24 hour post-M.Div. program designed for students who want to enhance their theological training. The Th.M. gives
Dr. Russell Moore will join us in Raleigh to spend an afternoon as a pastor talking to fellow pastors. Dr. Moore will be teaching largely from his book, Tempted and Tried, with attention directed to the life of a pastor. If you’ve been pastoring a church for any length of time, you are aware of
The Connecting Point Inreach Team is in need of CARE Coordinators all over campus! CARE Coordinators serve the women of SEBTS by welcoming new students and families, keeping her neighbors up to date on campus activities, and serving as a reference and communication link with the Women’s Life Office. As a CARE coordinator, you will
Students, The Student Handbook has been updated and so the Dean of Students Office would like to make you aware of this change. This policy is not a new policy but it has been simply been clarified in the Handbook. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the Firearms and Weapons Policy. If
While you are theologically trained in the classroom here at Southeastern, it is our hope that you will not neglect the body God has given you (1 Cor 6.19-20). Our office seeks to provide different opportunities for students to meet and work-out together in a light-hearted, God-centered atmosphere. While we are very serious about our