Intramurals is hosting the first annual Flag Football Combine and Scrimmage! This will take place August 16th from 2:00 pm until 4:00pm. We have invited all of our new students to come out and play and meet people on campus. This is a great and unique opportunity to meet new students or students you have not
Fall Courses for the Biblical Women’s Institute are open for registration. Check out the classes we are offering below. For more information please visit Term 1: August 21-October 4 New Testament Book Study (John) – Tuesday Evenings, 7-9pm Biblical Theology of Womanhood—Thursday Evenings, 7-9pm Counseling Women—Thursday Evenings, 7-9pm Biblical Foundations for the Minister’s Wife*—Thursday
South America Mission Trip (Guyana) • November 17-25, 2012 • 13 seats available • Led by Dr. Ant Greenham and Dr. David Black • Total cost of trip: $2,000.00 • Deposit: $200.00 • Deposits are non-refundable.
Spain Mission Trip • Dates: October 6-13, 2012 • 8 seats available • Led by Scott Hildreth • Total cost of trip: $2,000.00 • $200.00 deposit required to register. • Deposits are non-refundable. For more information, please email
Did you know God is fulfilling Acts 17.26-27 right here in the Triangle? Right now over 160,000 immigrants live here, and within one generation it is expected that 60% of our population growth will be immigrant. World Relief Durham is seeking to empower the church in the Triangle to engage in Christian Community Development (
BWI classes will be starting up soon! Term 1 classes are August 21st through October 4th, and Term 2 classes are October 16th through December 6th. You can view class offerings online at Our Weekend Intensives will be different layout this fall. Instead of packing information into a Friday evening and all day Saturday,
Dear students, The fall, in conjunction with the 9 Marks conference, we will be offering a class on the Doctrine of Salvation THE7741/THE4471. The class will take place over the same weekend as the 9 Marks conference. Dr. David Platt and I will be teaching the Thursday afternoon portion of the class. You will be
A returning ISC family is in need of vehicle. If you know of someone who has a vehicle they would be willing to give away or sell, please contact this family directly. They can be reached at or you may contact by phone, Abe 704-322-8147 or Sharon 704-322-7651. For more information, please contact the
The Library at Southeastern will be closing on Tuesday, July 3rd at 6pm. However, please note that it will reopen on Wednesday, July 4 at 7 AM. It will have normal operating hours on July 4. For more information, please call (919) 761-2251.
Our Town is the Town of Wake Forest’s bi-monthly newsletter. Published every other month, the newsletter is mailed to all Wake Forest residents in the 27587 zip code. Our Town is also the latest addition to the Town’s E-Notifier subscription service. Interested persons can now sign up to receive an electronic version of the newsletter delivered directly to their inbox! Click here to view