Campus Closed for Christmas: Dec 23-Jan 2

Attention Students: Southeastern will be closed from Friday, December 23 until Monday, January 2 for Christmas and New Year. This includes the Library and Ledford Center. All offices and buildings will reopen on Tuesday, January 3.   We hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! We look forward to seeing

New online catalog at the Library

The Alcott Catalog, your online resource for the Library has changed!  The new and improved catalog features new browse searches, easy access to professor reserves, and 1-click quick searches.  Specific commentaries, dissertations, and journals are now at your finger tips.  It will be up and running during J-term, so make sure you take advantage of

Waitlists and Entering a Closed Class

There are some courses offered at SEBTS that fill up rather quickly, hence there is a great benefit for registering early rather than late. If you are not able add one of those courses to your cart, you should use the “Waitlist” function available through Self-Service. Please do not contact the professor directly. If the

Manna Ministry/Sharing Shop Holiday Schedule

Manna Ministry/Sharing Shop Holiday Schedule Tuesday, December 06, 2011           6:00pm-9:00pm Saturday, December 10, 2011          9:00am-1:00pm Tuesday, December 13, 2011           6:00pm-9:00pm Saturday, December 17, 2011         9:00am-1:00pm Tuesday, December 20, 2011          6:00pm-9:00pm Saturday, December 24, 2011      CLOSED

BWI Spring Courses

The Biblical Women’s Institute Spring Classes are now open for registration. Classes run for 7 week terms and meet on Tuesday or Thursday evenings and Weekend Intensives. Classes are $25 per course. Please visit to find more information on what courses we are offering in the Spring. For registration questions please contact the Women’s

Open Gym at Ledford

Intramurals want to announce OPEN GYM for basketball every Tuesday and Thursday night from 7:00 to 9:00! This will start Dec. 6th and continue until February 2nd. We would love for you to come and hang out with us!

SALE at The Locker (Nov 28-Dec 16)

The Locker is hosting a sale on apparel from November 28- December 16. All merchandise marked with a pink dot is 50% off and 75% off things marked with green dot. New Fall/Winter merchandise is not included in the sale.

Keith and Kristyn Getty concert next Sunday (Dec 11)

Keith and Kristyn Getty will appear in concert at Providence Baptist Church in Raleigh on Sunday, December 11, at 3:00pm and 7:00pm. The holiday concert is entitled “Joy: An Irish Christmas” and will feature the Providence Choir and Orchestra.  Tickets can be purchased online at: Discounted tickets are available to college and seminary students.

Opportunity to serve Wake Forest

This is an excellent opportunity for Southeastern students to reach out to our  immediate community and share the love of Christ during this Christmas season:  The Wake Forest Downtown Revitalization Corporation is looking for volunteers from Southeastern to help serve at the Christmas Parade on December 10.  Interested volunteers can contact Jonnie Anderson at for more

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