Want to see the Great Commission combined with the Great Commandment to embark on a holistic, church-planting adventure? Then this summer you should go to South Sudan with e3 partners and Greg Mathias. The trip is June 12-23, 2012. The cost is $3850 with a $400 non-refundable deposit and 3 hours credit, tuition cost waived.
Sign up NOW to spend 9 days in Brazil! Your team departs a couple days after graduation (on May 18) and returns on May 28. This trip will be working with local believers, team members will build relationships and practice evangelism. Evangelistic methods will include the EvangeCube and keyboard lessons to interested students, which creates
With the cold weather coming are you looking forward to summer already?? Well be sure to check out our summer mission trip to New York City, May 19-26, 2012. The cost of the trip is $900 with a $100 non-refundable deposit and you can get 3 hours credit! The greater metro NYC area is home
Do you have a killer chili recipe? If so, the Student Life Office is looking for you! On Thursday, November 10th we will be hosting the annual “Chili Cook-Off,” and we need your help. Click here to register for the Chili Cook-Off. We will be evaluating the spice, taste, texture and letting our all-star faculty judges decide
18th Annual Bay Leaf Baptist Toy Chest Saturday, November 12, 2011 9:00 a.m. Registration is 6:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Come Early! NO raffle entries allowed after 8:30 a.m.!! Bay Leaf Baptist Church helps SEBTS students with Christmas gifts for their children. We buy gifts for preschool, elementary and youth, allowing you to purchase those
THE4950/THE7950 Contemporary Theological Issues: Doctrine of Scripture In conjunction with the 20/20 Conference With Dr. Bruce Ashford & Benjamin Quinn In addition to the conference, class will meet Friday, March 16 and Saturday, March 17 in Wake Forest, NC. For more information, please contact: kbell@sebts.edu with C@SE or distancelearning@sebts.edu
Ladies, let your light shine! Become a member of SEBTS’ Women’s Blog, Walking Worthy and share the blog with a friend. Get your name entered into a drawing to win a Diamond Candle! Diamond Candles was founded in January of 2011. The founders had a desire to make buying candles fun again while at the
Please join us for an MA Old Testament Informational Coffee Tuesday, November 1st, 7pm-8:30pm in Eitel Auditorium. We will discuss introductory information and questions concerning this degree. All are welcome including current MA OT students; please invite others who may be interested. For more information contact: Dr. McKenzie or Dr. Cole at 761-2460
Please join us for the annual Craft & Bake Sale to be held in Ledford Gymnasium at SEBTS on November 5th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Students, student wives, and staff from Southeastern Seminary will be utilizing their God-given talents and gifts to present unique crafts, delicious baked goods, and much more! Free admission
Coffee House is just around the corner! Come out on Thursday, October 27 from 8-11 PM to the Ledford for a fun autumn-themed night. We will be enjoying photography by Residence Life students while eating homemade desserts (made by the Southeastern Women’s Club!) and listening to great Southeastern musicians. This Coffee House will be featuring Angry