Steeple Chase 5K- Register Today!

Steeple Chase 5K is on for Saturday, October 15, 2011 on the campus of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. This inaugural event, which is part of the continuing effort to encourage healthy habits for life and benefits a national charity, is open to all Southeastern affiliates and the surrounding community who are 18 and older.  Early

Three Could Win Free Electricity in Wake Forest Power Contest

Public Power Week 2011 is Oct. 3-7, and Wake Forest Power is celebrating again this year by offering its residential electric customers the chance to win free electricity! For the sixth consecutive year, three lucky residential customers will win a free month’s worth of electricity in October simply by participating in our “Public Power Week Word Search

Flu Clinic in Ledford Tomorrow

The campus Health Center will be offering a flu clinic in the Ledford Center tomorrow, on September 28, from 9:00am to 12:00pm and October 13 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Without health insurance the cost will be $20. If you have health insurance they will file a claim for you. If you cannot make it to

Bay Leaf Clothes Closet moved to Wakefield Baptist

Attention Students: Bay Leaf Baptist Church no longer operates a clothes closet. The church has sent the clothing to Wakefield Baptist, a satellite church of theirs.  In the past clothing was available to seminary students and their families once a month.  This will be continued. Wakefield Baptist would also like to invite students and their

Free Shai Linne Concert this Friday

Shai Linne is a recording artist with Lamp Mode Recordings (, an independent Christian hip-hop record label whose mission is to highlight the character of God, while presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ and a biblical worldview through hip-hop culture. Shai is a theologian, poet, and pastor-in-training, having just completed a pastoral internship at Capitol

Student Life looking for volunteer artist

Student Life is looking for an individual who enjoys painting that would be willing to make an alumni banner for our Homecoming Week. Butcher paper, paint, and content (names of alumni) would be supplied. The volunteer has the freedom to express creativity in the execution of the design. This alumni banner would be displayed in

Campus-Wide Yard Sale: RESCHEDULED for October 1

Due to inclement weather, the Campus-Wide Yard Sale has been rescheduled for Saturday, October 1. The sale will be held from 7:00 – 11:30 AM at the Prince Facilities Management Building parking lot, located behind the large smoke stack on campus. If you would like to participate by selling items, there is still time sign

Coffee House is TOMORROW (Sept 15)

Campus Artist Series Coffee House September 15, 8-11 pm Local Church Emphasis Ledford Center Attention students: Coffee House is back… except this time its better than ever! That’s right, its still your favorite event that allows you to relax with friends while you drink coffee, eat great dessert, and listen to rockin’ talent in the

Volunteers Needed: Steeple Chase 5K

Volunteers Needed: Steeple Chase 5K October 15th from 6:00 am – noon (some help the week prior as well) We need volunteers to help with all of the preparations and execution of the run the day of the 5K.  We also need any medically trained volunteers to help at the first aid station.  Volunteers will

Volunteers Needed for SEBTS Blood Drive

Volunteers Needed: Southeastern’s Blood Drive September 14th from 8:00-4:30 in the multi-purpose room of Ledford If you are unable to donate blood but would like to volunteer that day to help set-up, tear-down, serve refreshments, check-in donors or simply talk with donors, we would love to have your help!  Please email to sign up

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