Spend Fall Break, October 1-7. 2011, in Mexico and get 3 hours credit! This trip will do evangelism, using a wide variety of media from handing out tracts to Bible storying, from music to food and clothing distribution. The focus is in villages near a city where they are trying to start a church plant.
Making plans for fall break? Why not spend the week of October 1-8, 2011 in Haiti and get 3 credit hours? There will be 6 different areas to serve in: teaching English, medical team, construction, sports camp, serve food to orphans, and training pastors. The cost is $1050 with $100 deposit due at sign-up. Stop
Passion for All Lands invites you to get to know your missionaries going across the ocean from Southeastern. Come to Jacumin-Simpson on Saturday, April 30 at 6pm and learn how God is at work around us and how we can support these servants of the King through prayer. We will have a potluck dinner at this
Crossroads Christian School in Henderson, NC is looking for summer interns for their summer camp called Colts Kids Camp. CCS is offering 23 different academic, athletic, and creative thinking camps. These camps are open to the community and designed to be an outreach to our area. Southeastern is offering school credit to students who work
Do you need some items for home or personal use, but don’t want to pay a lot of money? Would you like to help your fellow Southeastern students earn some extra money? Then please stop by the Campus-Wide Yard Sale this Saturday, April 30 from 7:00 – 11:30 AM in the Housing Office parking lot (behind the
Please join us for a special time of fellowship and prayer for the 2011 deployment ladies before they leave to be IMB missionaries. On Monday, May 2nd at 7 pm in Jacumin-Simpson Rotunda. Free childcare is available. Please register your child by Friday, April 29th at 4 pm. For more information please contact the Women’s
If you’re interested in discussing North American Church Planting in Boston, come meet planter and strategist Joe Souza from Boston. The event is 11am-1pm on Thursday the 28th in the Global Missions Room. Please RSVP to Brittany Salmon: bsalmon@sebts.edu.
Do you want to be an extra in a movie? Uptone Pictures (located here in Wake Forest) is currently shooting a faith-based film here in town. You might have already seen them around the Wake Forest Baptist Church area and other parts of town. This Friday night, around 7pm, they will be shooting a revival
22 TIPS ON HOW TO MANAGE YOUR TIME Psalm 90:12; Ephes. 5:15-16 In our “Rat Race” of modern living, we have 1000 things to do and the list keeps growing. We must, therefore, learn to manage our time or time will murder us. SO I share a few tips out of my very busy life
Attention students: All offices and buildings of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary will be closed Friday, April 22 through Sunday, April 24 with the exception of Secret Church on Friday, April 22 at 7:00 PM. Everything will reopen on Monday, April 25. The Library will close at 5 PM on Thursday, April 21 The Ledford Student