Bay Leaf Clothes Closet open this Thursday
Attention students: The Bay Leaf Clothes Closet will be open this Thursday, February 10 from 3-5 pm.
Attention students: The Bay Leaf Clothes Closet will be open this Thursday, February 10 from 3-5 pm.
Want to learn more about couponing? How about hearing some tips on how to keep your wardrobe stylish? Come learn from the best, including a professional wardrobe consultant at Connecting Point’s next event, Get Thrifty! Get Thrifty will be held in the Ledford Center on Monday, February 7th from 7 pm to 8:30 pm. FREE
In a special luncheon held after Convocation, Southern Baptist Convention president Bryant Wright and Southeastern president Daniel Akin discussed the state of the SBC, the Great Commission Resurgence, church planting and a variety of other topics. Wright, who once made waves by saying he wanted to see the percentage of funds sent to missions drastically
Spring Intramurals are already in progress. Check out the schedule to sign up for your favorite sports! Call the Student Life Office at 919-761-2305 if you have any questions. Click here for more info.
Want to hear about Church Planting efforts in Chicago? Come meet Chris Wright, CP strategist for Chicagoland, & Scott Nichols, planter & pastor of Crossroads Community Church. During this luncheon they will share their vision for establishing a church planting center in western Chicago and are searching for qualified recruits! The luncheon is at 11:00
Attention all Bilingual Spanish-speaking students! You are invited to a free lunch in the missions center! Join us in the Missions Center’s Global Mission Room on Tuesday, February 1 at 11:30am to hear about an exciting missions/ministry opportunity specifically for you. If you have a class and need to arrive late or leave early, please
Attention Students: Please be sure to bring your student ID’s if you are planning on using anything in the Ledford Center on the first floor, fitness center, and gym. Students and dependents are required to present them to the front desk worker in order to access any of the facilities. As a reminder, each student
Students, I hope that your semester is off to a great start! The Student Services Division wants to find ways to serve you as you seek employment during and after your time at Southeastern. Below is a link to a very brief anonymous survey to gauge student interest for potential seminars. Please take a moment
MY TRAUMA AND TRIUMPH IN THE HOME-GOING OF DOROTHEA Job 1:21 In the home-going of my sweetheart of 58 years on October 29th, 2010, I experienced both the greatest TRAUMA and also the most glorious TRIUMPH of my entire life. I wish to describe my experience to glorify Christ, to express my inordinate gratefulness, and
Attention College Students: All College at Southeastern students are required to complete 2 semesters of Discipleship Groups during their first 2 semesters attending school. For those students who need to participate in DGroups this semester, here are some important reminders: Deadline to register (on campus and to submit an “exemption letter” to fulfill requirement in