Thabiti Anyabwile, pastor of First Baptist Church on Grand Cayman Island, challenged a man-centered view of freedom during the afternoon session of 9Marks at Southeastern. Anyabwile spoke from Romans 9, arguing that a high view of the sovereignty of God is a vital part of a robust biblical theology. This is true despite the fact
Mark Dever, pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church and president of 9Marks, opened the 9Marks at Southeastern by preaching on the message of the entire Bible: in the Old Testament God makes promises, and in the New Testament he keeps them, through Christ. “Christ is the promise of the entire Bible. He is the promised
Tonight, September 9, Student Life and BCM will be hosting the first Coffee House of the year. Take the opportunity to relax with friends while you get to drink coffee, eat great dessert, and listen to rockin’ talent- Chad Lister- in the Ledford Center. Enjoy a break from studies and come on over to enjoy
Do you have way too many things in your apartment or stuff you don’t really need? Do you need some extra money? If so, we invite you to participate in the Campus-Wide Yard Sale. The size of the yard sale has been steadily increasing each semester, so this is a great time for you to
Below are the dates for the Bay Leaf Baptist Church Clothes Closet from Sept til Dec Sept 11, Saturday, 10-12noon Oct 14, Thursday, 3-5pm Nov 13, Saturday, 9:30-11:30am (Toy Chest) Dec 9, Thursday, 3-5pm
A church plant in Clayton is having a kick off Block Party for some of their surrounding neighborhoods. They are planning on passing out flyers to 400 homes- and they need your HELP! This is a great evangelism opportunity! We will be meeting in the Stealey parking lot at 9 a.m. on September 18 before
Baptist Collegiate Ministries will be having its semester kickoff meeting on Thursday September 16, at 9:30 pm in the Ledford Center. There will be music, and food, and some fun thrown in as well! All college students should come and take part!
The Graduation Application Deadline Passed on Wednesday, September 1. However, the registrar’s office will continue to accept Late Graduation Applications until September 30. Applications submitted at this time will incur an additional $75 Late Fee. No graduation applications will be accepted after October 1. You may find the graduation application on the Registrar’s Page in
The Last Day to Drop a Class without Academic Penalty is fast approaching. Wednesday, September 8, is the last day to drop a course. In order to drop a class by the 8th, students must contact the Registrar’s Office directly, either in person, via email ( or over the phone (919-761-2215). In your communication, Please
Use your Southeastern 1Card at The Forks Cafeteria and receive a 10% discount Monday – Friday. Get a good home-style meal and save with your 1Card. Click here to see a video on The Forks with more information on the cafeteria. Fund your Southeastern 1Card today to have a convenient way to pay for copies and