Important Accounting Services Deadline

Course registration and full payment is due August 5, 2010. This is also the last day for returning students to sign up for the FACTS Monthly Payment plan. As a reminder, you should regularly visit the Accounting Services’ payments and deadlines page on CampusNet to stay aware of upcoming deadlines and payment policies.

Independence Day, Montana style

A media team from Southeastern spent the Fourth of July weekend with Paul Seddon and Cody Wood, a couple of Southeastern grads planting a church in Livingston, Montana. President Akin and his wife were there as well. You can read a little about it, and see a bunch of pictures, at the Southeastern missions blog.

The View from the Steeple

If you have been around campus lately you have noticed the work that is going on to refresh the Binkley Chapel steeple. Southeastern’s not-so-afraid-of-heights reporter Kelly Jo went all the way up to get some photos of our campus from on high, and you can view them by going to this Flickr slideshow. Special thanks

Akin’s Reflections on the 2010 SBC Annual Meeting

The record may reveal that the 2010 convention in Orlando was a historic moment for the churches of the SBC.  Only time will tell.  From my perspective it was a wonderful convention as Southern Baptists affirmed overwhelmingly how we wish to chart our future.  What were the crucial happenings and their significance at this year’s

9Marks discussion focuses on future of GCR

by Lauren Crane In dialogue with Mark Dever, Al Mohler and David Platt, Southeastern president Daniel Akin discussed the next steps for the Southern Baptist Convention, now that the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force’s recommendations have been passed. The men gathered late Tuesday at the Southern Baptist Convention as part of an event called 9Marks

Akin reports on state of seminary

During the 2010 Southern Baptist Convention, Southeastern president Daniel Akin addressed the attendees on the state of the seminary and new initiatives it is pursuing, including increasing partnerships with local churches. To read the recap of the report, please click here.

Akin teaches at SBC value of running race well

Southeastern president Daniel Akin addressed pastors and convention goers at the 2010 Southern Baptist Convention on Monday, June 14. Teaching out of Hebrews 12:1-3, Akin urged believers to run the race well, and discussed various aspects of faith that are necessary for faithfully expanding the kingdom of God. To read the recap of Akin’s sermon

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering update

Let me share some good news I received from the International Mission Board concerning the Lottie Moon offering. I thank God for the faithfulness of Southern Baptists and also the role Southeastern continues to play in getting the gospel to the nations. We gave well in 2009-2010. May we, by God’s grace, do even better

SEBTS Health Clinic Summer Hours

SEBTS Health Clinic Summer Hours: Tuesday – June 1, 2010 Tuesday – June 8, 2010 Thursday – June 22, 2010 Tuesday – June 29, 2010 Thursday – July 1, 2010 Tuesday – July 13, 2010 Thursday – July 15, 2010 Tuesday – July 27, 2010 **The Health Center will return to its regular Tuesday and

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