Please take a moment to go to to access a 15-minute survey regarding your beliefs about feminism and biblical gender roles. It requires no study – just answers to your thoughts on these subjects. This is a study being conducted by a doctoral student and your voluntary participation would be greatly appreciated! In fact,
We had a wonderful record-breaking Welcome Weekend and NSO at Southeastern! You can relive some of the memories by checking out Southeastern’s Flickr page slideshow.
Welcome back college students! We are so glad that you are here. We wanted to take a moment to invite you to an AMAZING event taking place today, August 18th from 2:00-4:00pm for all college students. What is this event you ask? Its Water Wednesday! We will have a huge slip ‘n slide, sponge tag, watermelon
If you lost something significant on Tuesday, August 10, 2010, please call the Student Life office at 919-761-2328 to identify what was lost and retrieve it. Thank you, Student Life
Helping hands abounded at The College at Southeastern’s first official “move-in day.” As approximately 50 new college freshmen arrived to Southeastern’s campus this morning, over 100 volunteers milled around, waiting to help unload vehicles and trailers full of dorm supplies. The new students – most of whom expected to have a full day of carrying
Dr. Ken Coley, professor of Christian Education and director of the Doctor of Education program, has written a web article for LifeWay on three challenges facing the Minister of Education. Check it out,
Southeastern’s Student Life Office would like to welcome all new students! We are so glad that you have arrived to campus and hope you quickly begin to feel at home. We look forward to meeting you at New Student Orientation in the next few days– we feel that it will be a very exciting time
Many of you have used WorldCat through the Library’s former subscription to the FirstSearch Service. Now a subscription is no longer needed! You can access WorldCat anywhere you can access the internet. You can still create your own personal accounts and do ILL. For further details, contact the reference desk staff.
August 6th-8th will be tax free weekend throughout North Carolina. Make sure you stop by the LifeWay Campus Store. All textbooks will be tax free.
30% DISCOUNT ON SEVERAL TEXTBOOKS!!! In August there will be a 30% discount on several of your textbooks at LifeWay Campus Store. Come check them out!