Bay Leaf Baptist Church: Toy Chest

Don’t miss Bay Leaf Baptist Church’s 29th annual Toy Chest event! Every year, Bay Leaf helps SEBTS students find Christmas gifts for their children. Come and enjoy this outreach on Saturday, November 12th! Online registration opens Sept. 29th at 9 AM and runs until Oct. 14th at 5 PM. Visit for more info.

Sardines! (The Game not the seafood)

Everyone knows the classical game of hide-and-go-seek. Everyone hides while one person seeks. But what if instead, one person hides while everyone else seeks? Well, then you would have an awesome, exhilarating, staggering, astonishing, unbelievable, magnificent, awe-inspiring game of sardines. Invite your friends, invite your fam, invite your pets- invite everyone to come play Friday,

Coffee Break with Dr. Tracy McKenzie

Come enjoy a cup of coffee and hang out with Dr. Tracy McKenzie, Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, at our next Coffee Break on October 14! Coffee Breaks are informal times to hang out with your professors outside the classroom. Click here to sign up!

Stand for Life is coming to Southeastern

Stand for Life is a movement that affirms and defends the dignity of all human life. When we believe that everyone is made in the image of God – it changes everything! Join us as we work to make abortion unnecessary in our lifetime by inspiring and equipping a new generation to embrace a holistic

Brown Bag Lunch with Dr. Lawless

Come join us and take your lunch break with Dr. Lawless for a time of prayer and training on how to pray. We will be in the MPR in the Ledford Center immediately following Chapel on Tuesday, Sept. 16th.

Mommy & Me: Gym Time

Hey, moms out there! In an effort to minister to you and your kiddos, we have the basketball gym reserved for you EVERY Thursday this semester (except break weeks) from 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM. We hope this allows you to enjoy time with other moms while your kids play and burn off some energy!

Theological Huddle

Ladies, don’t miss our first Theological Huddle of the semester! Join us as we begin our study of Acts. Dr. Kellum will be leading us through the first two chapters, so mark your calendars and join us Monday, September 19th at 6:30 PM in the Ledford MPR!

Man School

This semester, the Student Life Office will be studying biblical masculinity in a Friday “bring-your-own” lunch series called “Man School: The Elder Initiative.” Please join us Friday, September 16th in the Ledford Multipurpose Room for Episode #2 “Appropriately Masculine” (Feat. Dr. Akin).

Flag Football is Almost Here!

The flag football season is just around the corner! It should be another exciting season with a special kickoff game on Thursday night, September 22nd. All other games will be played on Saturday mornings starting September 24th and running through the championship game on November 5th. All games will be played on the intramural sports

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