Seminary Wives’ Panel Discussion

Calling all Southeastern Seminary Wives – Don’t miss the Seminary Wives’ Panel Discussion with the Akins and the Greenhams, happening March 22nd at 7 PM! Topics include doing ministry as a family for the long haul, how to maintain a healthy marriage, and what it looks like to raise kids overseas. If you have questions

Women’s Emphasis Week!

Southeastern ladies, Don’t miss several exciting events happening during Women’s Emphasis Week! From workshops to panel discussions to our big Cultivate Leadership Conference, we have a week full of exciting events to celebrate the women on our campus! Check out all that we have going on by clicking here. (If you have any problems registering,

Build Your Skills for Worship Ministry | Fall 2022

Check out these opportunities in Fall 2022 to build your skills for worship ministry: Ministry of Worship Hybrid: The Ministry of Worship class applies biblical worship theology to local church practice. Pastors, worship musicians, youth ministers, and others are encouraged to consider MIN3540 (college) or PMN6540 (seminary) Ministry of Worship meeting on campus one weekend

Men’s “Onward” Book Discussion

“Keep Christianity Strange.” “As the culture changes all around us, it is no longer possible to pretend that we are a Moral Majority. That may be bad news for America, but it can be good news for the church. What’s needed now, in shifting times, is neither a doubling-down on the status quo nor a

Library Talk: Mental Health and the Philosophy of the Mind

At this Library Talk, our own Dr. Ross Inman will host a conversation between Dr. Moreland, a philosopher who has devoted years of study to the philosophy of the mind, and our own Dr. Williams, who has spent years practicing and teaching counseling. You will not want to miss this interaction between two scholars in

Biblical Languages for Everyone Spring 2022 Colloquium

The Biblical Languages for Everyone Club is hosting a Colloquium featuring student presentations and a FREE Chick-Fil-A lunch! On Friday, March 18th in the Ledford Event Room, we will meet to eat together and hear presentations from Thiago Bitencourt and Dougald McLaurin. Each presentation will be 25 minutes with 5 minutes for questions. Any students

Global Missions Fellowship

Are you interested in missions? If so, the Center for Great Commission Studies is hosting an event for you! During this time, current Journeymen and IMB representatives want to meet with, encourage, and equip you with their ministry experience. Not only will there be free food, but this will be an amazing time to connect

With Love, The Inmans

“With Love, the Inmans” is a group discussion event hosted by the Judson House. Dr. and Mrs. Inman will be joining students to talk about their relationship experiences and answer student questions about their own issues and experiences. Any student at Southeastern, regardless of age, stage, or status is welcome to join us on Monday,

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