Am I a Replanter?

Join us on April 5-6 for Am I a Replanter?! The Am I a Replanter? event is a two-day event for pastors and their wives to explore and learn more about replanting dying churches. We will discuss a range of topics from a 30,000-foot view to boots-on-the-ground strategies. There will be discussion on the characteristics

Graduate Life: Secret Church Livestream

Join us for Secret Church, a 6-hour deep dive studying God’s epic tale of redemption in the story of Ruth, taught by David Platt! Graduate Life is hosting a livestream party for all graduate students and their families- we’ll have snacks and drinks! Tickets are free but limited, so sign up soon! If you don’t grab a ticket

Counseling Center Graduate Internship

Did you know our Student Life Counseling Center offers an internship for graduate students in the counseling degree programs? To apply, students preparing to begin their first practicum can contact our Counseling Coordinator ( or visit the Counseling Center page for more information.

Pastors’ Center Mentorship Luncheon

The third of four monthly lunches hosted by the Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership is coming up on March 12th! This semester our theme for these lunches is “The Personal Life of the Pastor.”Join us for a free lunch and a panel discussion on bi-vocational ministry. This lunch is open to students, pastors, and

Coffee Break with Dr. Scott Pace

Come join us on March 13th for coffee and conversation with Dr. Scott Pace, Provost and Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Preaching. Save your seat here!

Writer’s Workshop: From Thought to Page

The Society for Women in Scholarship is hosting the “From Thought to Page Writers Workshop” on March 1st from 10 AM – 2:30 PM in the Southeastern Library. Join Keynote Speaker Mary Wiley and other breakout speakers for encouragement and practical writing advice- whether you are a blogger or an academic and everything in between!

Graduate Life: Scavenger Hunt & Game Night

Graduate Life is hosting a Scavenger Hunt and Game Night for all graduate students and their families! Join us on March 15th at 6:30 PM in the Ledford Events Room. We’ll have snacks, play some games, and even have a Scavenger Hunt competition (with some pretty good prizes)! See you there!

Women’s Exposition Wednesday: Erin Piner

Women’s Exposition Wednesday is continuing this semester as we study through the book of 1 John! Join us for our next Women’s Exposition Wednesday on Wednesday, March 20th at 10:30 AM in Eitel Auditorium. We will worship together and Erin Piner will be teaching from 1 John 3. See you there!

Book Sale at the Library

The Library is hosting a book sale in March with extremely discounted prices. Each day the sale runs the prices will be lowered. Come fill your personal library by shopping with us! Find a full list of Library events here.

The Oxford Study Tour: 2024

Join us from June 24 – July 5, 2024, on the Oxford Study Tour! With the Oxford Study Tour, you can learn about the rich history of scholars and experience a one-of-a-kind trip abroad! History will come alive as you see key places and locations in church history. Click here for more information and to

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