Free Health Screenings! | February 17

Duke Memorial Baptist Church will be hosting the North Carolina Baptists on Mission Health Screening Ministry mobile unit Saturday February 17, 2018 from 9am-3pm. Testing may include: • Vital Signs Assessment (Blood Pressure, Height, Weight, Body Mass Index, Pulse) • Cholesterol Screening • Screening for Diabetes • Heart Disease Risk Assessment • Depression Screening The

Summer Camp Staff Opportunities | February 15

Need Summer Plans? Representatives from several State Baptist Conventions will be on campus Thursday and Friday to share about summer camp staff opportunities. If you love students and the outdoors you’ll want to hear more! Stop by the booths in the Ledford Center Thursday and Friday to learn more.

Intramural Spikeball Tournament | February 19

With a mix between your favorite childhood game of four square and volleyball, spikeball is one of the most popular games in America today! It’s a fun, active, and competitive competition that is sure to have you breaking a sweat and laughing in the first 10 minutes of play. The game is a two on

“Silence, Solitude and Song” Lecture at the CFC | February 8

The CFC is pleased to have Dr. Steven Guthrie as the Keynote Speaker for the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Society for Christian Scholarship in Music to be hosted at SEBTS Feb 8-10. While the conference is limited to registered attendees, SEBTS students are invited to hear Dr. Guthrie speak on “Silence, Solitude and Song:

Fitness Classes at SEBTS

Have you ever felt tired or lethargic when doing things throughout the day?Do you find yourself struggling to be productive in a class or at work? If so, you might be out of shape and inneed of exercise! Numerous studies show that people who work out and exercise are better workers, more productive, perform better,

What Does Scholarship Have to Do with Missions? | February 23

Southeastern is a Great Commission Seminary. Every office of SEBTS is dedicated to glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping students to serve the church and fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). So what does scholarship have to do with missions? How do academics and ministry coincide? How do we serve the church through advanced

5th Annual African American Read-In | February 15

Martin and Malcolm, African American Read-In will be held on Thursday, February 15 after chapel from 11:30am until 1pm. It will take place in the Library Commons and will feature the reading of excerpts from and discussion of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” and Malcolm X’s speech “The Ballot or the

Kingdom Diversity Bagged Lunch Series | February 6

There is never a lack of news that either makes our day or makes our day worse. Whether good or bad, we tend to share news within our circle of friends which are likely to be people who look or think like us. While this is not inherently wrong it could be enabling our blind

Come Pray With Dr. Lawless | Thursday Mornings

Several months ago, Dr. Akin made a commitment for SEBTS to become not only a Great Commission institution, but also a praying institution. Every Thursday morning from 6:15 am-7:15 am in Eitel Auditorium in the CGCS, Dr. Lawless will be leading a weekly prayer meeting for the SEBTS community. We invite you to join us

GO Conference 2019 | February 15-16

There are a lot of voices in our world telling us who we should be, what we should love, and what makes up our identity. We like to say things like “I’m a vegan,” “he’s so hipster,” “she’s transgender,” or even things like “I’m a pastor,” or “I’m a student.” If we are not careful,

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