Check out this week’s announcement video to find out what’s going on Around Southeastern. NAMB Connect: Michigan | Thursday | February 11 | 11am-12pm | Sam James Conference Room, CGCS LIbrary Workshop | Narrowing and Planning Your Research | Tuesday | February 16 | 5pm | Library Sailhamer Room Library Workshop | Narrowing and Planning Your Research | Wednesday
Join us for Coffee House on Thursday, February 11! Live music will be provided by Spencer Fretwell and friends. We will have Back Alley coffee and plenty of desserts! Come out and enjoy a relaxing night with Student Life – we will have a drawing for a free giveaway for all those in attendance! Coffee House | Thursday
ICP orientation is a time for all our new missions students to hangout, learn about all the ins and outs of the ICP/2+ program, and ask any questions they might have. Donuts and coffee will be provided! New ICP Student Meeting | Wednesday | February 17 | 10am | The CGCS
Greetings from the Office of Student Resources & Financial Aid at Southeastern! The semester is upon us and what better way to utilize some valuable down time than set aside 20 minutes and complete your 2016-2017 institutional scholarship application! Beginning Monday, February 1st through April 15, 2015, you may apply for all eligible institutional scholarships
Connecting Point exists to foster fellowship and spiritual maturity among women of Southeastern. (This includes all of our female students, student wives, faculty wives, female staff, and staff wives). The event is free and so is childcare! If you need childcare for this event, please register by Friday, February 5th by calling the Women’s Life
Kingdom Diversity is hosting an open meeting/luncheon for any students, faculty, or non-students who are interested in familiarizing themselves with the mission and purpose of the Kingdom Diversity Initiative at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Free food is available but on is available on a first come first served basis. Kingdom Diversity Info Meeting | Thursday |
Join us February 22: 6-8PM The Center for Great Commission Studies will be hosting our ICP 2+ Workshop, February 22 from 6-8pm in Jacumin Simpson. Come join us! IMPORTANT: If you are currently enrolled in the ICP/2+ program, you are REQUIRED to attend all four ICP Workshops. We hope to see you there! Please let us know if you have
Tim Patterson, a national mobilizer for NAMB, is coming to SEBTS to network, discuss ministry and church planting, and consider with students what opportunities might be available in the Great Lake State. Come to this FREE luncheon and get your questions answered! Register here:
Join Drs. Jamie Dew, Benjamin Quinn, and Stephen Eccher on a Study Tour through Italy, Switzerland, and France! The itinerary includes visits to the Vatican, Florence, Geneva, and Paris. Also, you have the opportunity to earn 6 undergrad or grad credits at no additional cost! The dates for this trip are 5/23/2016 – 6/1/2016. The current
The Women’s Life Office would like to invite you to an evening with Anne Graham Lotz (daughter of Billy Graham) on Thursday, February 25 at 7pm in Binkley Chapel. Anne is the founder and President of AnGel Ministries, has launched Just Give Me Jesus revivals all over the world and is an award-winning author of 15