
Toys for Tots

The Library has a Toys For Tots box set up at the Circulation Desk. U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program MISSION: The mission of the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas

Summer Serve

Interested in summer ministry? Stop by the Ledford Center next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (13th – 15th) to speak to representatives from four different Baptist organizations. See the list below for more information or email the contact listed to set up an interview time: Centrifuge – Interviewing Thursday and Friday – BeDoTell – Interviewing

Improve Your Skills for Musical Worship in Spring 2014

As Bob Kauflin writes in his book Worship Matters, “Skill matters to God” and “Skill helps us serve the church.” In the Spring 2014 semester, Southeastern students have opportunities to improve musical skills to better serve the church in worship ministry. 1. Improve your singing with Susan Lozaw, a certified instructor of contemporary vocal techniques.

Students – Are You Serving As A Lead Pastor?

Are you currently serving as the lead pastor at a church? Next Tuesday, Oct. 29th, we want to recognize your service and pray for you during chapel. Dr. Akin will ask you to stand during the service and we will all gather together for a special time of prayer over you and your ministry. In

Wake Forest Business Expo

Tomorrow, October 24th, the Wake Forest Chamber of Commerce is hosting their annual Business Expo. This year it will be hosted in the Ledford Center Gym from 3pm to 7pm. It is a great event through which you can learn about area businesses, and there are always a host of free giveaways at the booths.

New hours for Court breakfast

Starting Monday October 14, the Court will be opening at 7AM. Breakfast will be available from 7AM until 10:30AM, Monday through Friday. Stop by and try one of our breakfast sandwiches with a cup of Larry’s organic coffee!

Campus-wide Cookout on Oct .14 (Free BBQ meal!)

Student Life would like to invite all students, faculty and staff and families to our Campus-wide Cookout on Monday, October 14. The Campus-wide Cookout will take place in the Quad in front of Binkley from 5:00-7:00 PM. This will be an evening of fun for the whole Southeastern family. There will be free barbecue and sides,

Coffee House- Tomorrow night!

This Thursday, September 19, SEBTS Student Life will be hosting the first Coffee House of the year. Take the opportunity to relax with friends while you get to drink coffee, eat great dessert, and listen to rockin’ talent- Spencer Fretwell, Mike Pope, and Paul Van Tiem – in the Ledford Center. Enjoy a break from studies and come

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