SEBTS will be closed Monday, 12/24, through Tuesday, 1/1. This will not impact your ability to access our online services through CampusNet. Therefore, you can still register for classes, make changes to your class schedule, make payment/payment arrangements, view grades, etc. If you live on campus and need assistance, Campus Security is available while the
The Student Life Office at Southeastern has continued to see great success in the Residence Life program. We are currently seeking reliable individuals to fill the Resident Assistant positions within Residence Life for the 2013-2014 academic year. The Residence Life program provides opportunities for students to grow academically, socially, personally, and spiritually within the Residence
Sharing Shop and Manna Ministry shopping hours for the month of December. Saturday, Dec. 1-10:00am-1:00pm Tuesday, Dec. 4 -6:00pm-9:00pm Saturday, Dec. 8-10:00am-1:00pm Tuesday, Dec. 11-6:00pm-9:00pm Saturday, Dec. 15-10:00am-1:00pm Tuesday, Dec. 18-6:00pm-9:00pm Saturday, Dec. 22-10:00am-1:00pm Tuesday, Dec. 25-closed Saturday, Dec. 29-closed Tuesday, Jan. 1-closed
Have overdue books? On December 12th & 13th the library will offer a different way to pay off fines. Bring your overdue items in along with a non-perishable food item for every five overdue items (e.g. 1-5 overdue items = 1 food item, 6-10=2, etc.) and we’ll waive the fine. All proceeds will go to
Attention students: The Distance Learning Office would like to inform you that their office has moved from Patterson to Appleby 109.
Are you exhausted from countless nights without sleep? Are you sick of writing papers? Are you spending more time at the library than in your own home? Don’t you think it’s time to take a break from studying?!? We couldn’t agree more! Therefore, the Student Life Office invites you to Study Break. It is this Thursday, December
Need some ideas for a study break over the next few weeks as the semester comes to an end? Visit Walking Worthy, the Women’s Life blog to see our Top 10 Study Break Ideas! Visit the blog at!
Do you want money for grad school? Two scholarships are offered to students by the Center for Scholarship Administration for SEBTS students. The Risden P. Reece Scholarship and the Daniel R. Hoover Scholarship are available for students preparing for the ministry and who demonstrate financial need. Fill out the application at
On Wednesday, December 5th, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary will be hosting the Shane & Shane/Phil Wickham Christmas Tour. Come join the SEBTS community as we celebrate Christmas with these amazing artists! Tickets are $12 and can be purchased at Immediately following the concert will be a free after-party event sponsored by Kanakuk Kamps of
The 27th Annual Pastor’s Conference will be January 24 – January 27, 2013 at FBC Jacksonville, FL. Students and spouses may attend this conference at a reduced rate of $50.00. This rate will also include some meals. To receive this reduced rate, students must register for CED7951 Advanced Practicum in Christian Leadership (3 semester hours,