
Sudan Mission Trip

Want to see the Great Commission combined with the Great Commandment to embark on a holistic, church-planting adventure? Then this summer you should go to South Sudan with e3 partners and Greg Mathias. The trip is June 12-23, 2012. The cost is $3850 with a $400 non-refundable deposit and 3 hours credit, tuition cost waived.

Brazil Mission Trip

Sign up NOW to spend 9 days in Brazil! Your team departs a couple days after graduation (on May 18) and returns on May 28. This trip will be working with local believers, team members will build relationships and practice evangelism. Evangelistic methods will include the EvangeCube and keyboard lessons to interested students, which creates

New York City Mission Trip

With the cold weather coming are you looking forward to summer already?? Well be sure to check out our summer mission trip to New York City, May 19-26, 2012. The cost of the trip is $900 with a $100 non-refundable deposit and you can get 3 hours credit! The greater metro NYC area is home

Deadline to enter Chili Cook-Off: November 3

Do you have a killer chili recipe? If so, the Student Life Office is looking for you! On Thursday, November 10th we will be hosting the annual “Chili Cook-Off,” and we need your help. Click here to register for the Chili Cook-Off. We will be evaluating the spice, taste, texture and letting our all-star faculty judges decide

THE4950/THE7950 Contemporary Theological Issues (20/20 Conference)

THE4950/THE7950 Contemporary Theological Issues: Doctrine of Scripture In conjunction with the 20/20 Conference With Dr. Bruce Ashford & Benjamin Quinn  In addition to the conference, class will meet Friday, March 16 and Saturday, March 17 in Wake Forest, NC. For more information, please contact: with C@SE or

Coffee House (Autumn-style): Thurs, Oct 27

Coffee House is just around the corner! Come out on Thursday, October 27 from 8-11 PM to the Ledford for a fun autumn-themed night. We will be enjoying photography by Residence Life students while eating homemade desserts (made by the Southeastern Women’s Club!) and listening to great Southeastern musicians. This Coffee House will be featuring Angry

Res Life Photography Contest: Entries due MONDAY

Attention Residence Life Students! Do you love taking pictures? Are you dying to be a photographer? Well, if so Res Life is hosting a photo contest exclusively for you.  Details: All entries due by Monday, October 24 Categories: Action, Black & White, Portrait, Landscape, Nature, and Travel Limit 3 photo entries per student Only 1

20% Off Store-wide at The Locker

From Monday to Wednesday of next week (Oct 10-12), The Locker will be celebrating Homecoming by offering 20% off the entire store merchandise. If you don’t have a t-shirt for Wednesday’s Spirit Day, this is the PERFECT time to stop by and get one! Think about it: 20% off an amazing t-shirt which will ultimately

Homecoming Spoon Game- Sign Up Here!

The Spoon Game  Its back by popular demand! Get ready for an epic battle during Homecoming Week. The game will begin on Tuesday, October 11th so don’t delay signing up. Online registration closes on Monday, October 10 at 12:00 PM. No late registrations will be accepted. Click here to sign up What is the Spoon

Homecoming Cook-Out: THIS Monday (Oct 10)

Student Life would like to invite all students, faculty and staff and families to our Homecoming Cook-Out this Monday, October 10. The Homecoming Cook-Out will take place in the Quad in front of Binkley from 5:00-7:00 PM. This will be an evening of fun for the whole Southeastern family. There will be free barbecue and

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