
Blessings from Haiti

During Fall Break of 2010, dozens of Southeastern students, along with members of Open Door Baptist Church in Raleigh, traveled to Haiti to work with Canaan Christian Community. They did medical work, fed hundreds of people, helped with construction projects and loved orphans. They returned blessed. Check out photos, stories, and videos from their trip

Free books in the Ledford tomorrow

FREE books to add to your personal library. Former church staff member is giving away his entire Christian library of 30 years of ministry to the SEBTS students FREE. The library includes commentaries, concordances, books by noted and popular authors, leadership books, etc. There are over 500+ titles. Ledford Student Center, Tuesday, November 16, 2010,

Library Holiday Hours

The Library will be open only Monday and Tuesday of the Thanksgiving break, November 22nd – 23rd, from 8am to 5pm. Regular Schedule will resume, Monday November 29th.

Tar River Baptist Christmas Applications-Deadline TODAY

The Tar River Baptist Association has a unique ministry during the Christmas Holiday Season.  In early December, they “open for business,” allowing clients that have been referred by local agencies, churches, pastors, ministries, etc. to shop for their children.  Time is also reserved for the children to come and shop for their parents. Southeastern has been asked to

Chili Cook-Off: TONIGHT!!

So, you think your chili has what it takes to make the taste buds of our judges go crazy? Then enter your chili into our annual Chili Cook-Off on Monday, November 8th! Don’t cook? Well then, stop by the Ledford Center at 5:30 PM and help yourself to some of the greatest chili you might

January and Spring Registration

Registration for the January and Spring 2011 terms will begin on Monday, November 15. Please refer to the registration instructions available on CampusNet. Please refer to the instructions for details regarding your specific program, including deadlines, add/drops, and other pertinent information. If you plan on graduating in Spring, please submit your graduation application also available

Operation Christmas Child Collection

If you would like to donate a few small toys to send to children overseas please drop them off in the wrapped box by the Ledford Center Front desk.  We are also collecting money to purchase additional supplies so monetary donations are also welcome.  Anyone who would like to help organize and pack all the

Deadline to enter Chili Cook-Off is TOMORROW

Do you have a killer chili recipe? If so, the Student Life Office is looking for you! On Monday, November 8th we will be hosting the annual “Chili Cook-Off,” and we need your help. Click here to register for the Chili Cook-Off. We will be evaluating the spice, taste, texture and letting our all-star faculty

Ethics of Stem Cell Research Lecture, November 5

This Friday, November 5, come hear Rick Campanelli,  a Christian lawyer from Washington, D.C., previously in the Office of General Counsel for the Department of Health and Human Services. He will give an insider’s view on how the government handled the ethics of stem cell research. Friday, November 5, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m., Patterson Hall,

PAL Event on Nov 13: Across the Ocean

PAL invites you to Across the Ocean, where this semester’s focus is on Hungary and Kazakhstan. Learn about these countries on Saturday, Nov. 13 (6-8pm) at Ledford. This event is free. For more info, please visit

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