
Class Drop Date Approaching

The Last Day to Drop a Class without Academic Penalty is fast approaching. Wednesday, September 8, is the last day to drop a course. In order to drop a class by the 8th, students must contact the Registrar’s Office directly, either in person, via email ( or over the phone (919-761-2215). In your communication, Please

10% Discount at The Forks Cafeteria

Use your Southeastern 1Card at The Forks Cafeteria and receive a 10% discount Monday – Friday.  Get a good home-style meal and save with your 1Card. Click here to see a video on The Forks with more information on the cafeteria. Fund your Southeastern 1Card today to have a convenient way to pay for copies and

Students urged to build ministries on foundation of Scripture

Ministries should be built upon the steady, unshakeable word of God, and not upon styles, fads or anything else. Bruce Ashford, dean of The College at Southeastern, spoke to Southeastern students in chapel on August 31 about the danger of basing ministry on anything but Scripture. Teaching from 2 Timothy 3:10-17, Ashford reminded students that

Gathering chapel challenges students to consider the world

Missions is at the heart of Southeastern, and the mission of God in their life is what students are challenged to consider from the beginning of their time at Southeastern. During Southeastern’s annual Gathering chapel service on August 24, missions – both domestic and international – was the focus. Under the leadership of the Center

Speaking Truth on the NC State Campus

The Center for Faith and Culture is teaming up with Ratio Christi Campus Ministries at NC State to offer an opportunity to engage students at NC State with the gospel and apologetics.  Southeastern seminary students with some prior apologetic training (formal or informal) are encouraged to attend an informational meeting on September 1 at 10:00

Receive Current Faith and Culture Information from the CFC

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture is proud to announce the inception of its quarterly e-newsletter—the Faith & Culture Update. The purpose of the Update is to inform on current religious and cultural issues, as well as provide information to assist those engaging culture as salt and light. Each issue of the

Convocation service welcomes largest student enrollment

The first Baptist missionary to a foreign land was not William Carey or Adoniram Judson, but a little-known former slave who took the gospel to Jamaica nearly a decade before Carey departed England for India. Speaking to the largest new student class ever at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary as well as returning students, faculty and

Being a ‘Divine Disturbance’

All Southeastern students: We heard a challenge yesterday from one of our own, Jerome Gay, lead pastor of Vision International Church in southeast Raleigh. Jerome wants his church to be part of a gospel-centered resurgence to create a “new normal” within the inner-city church culture. For those of you willing to accept that challenge, here

Köstenberger becomes new director at B&H

Andreas J. Köstenberger, director of Ph.D. studies and professor at Southeastern, has recently taken on a new role at B&H Publishing Group, the publishing branch of LifeWay Christian Resources. Köstenberger will be the director of acquisitions for B&H’s academic program. In this new role, he will be helping to acquire significant authors to publish materials

Sharing Shop: donations, hours, and volunteers

Fall has arrived at the Sharing Shop.  Donations of fall and winter clothing are now being accepted.  Clean, unstained items only, please.  The Sharing Shop is located at 100/102 Hipps Drive (behind the Health Center).  The donation area is open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

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