International Students Services at Southeastern would like to invite you and your family to the Spring International Student Banquet. The banquet will be held at Ledford Center on Saturday, May 8th at 6:00p.m. Come experience a culturally diverse International Banquet and enjoy beautiful worship, a message from God’s Word by Dr. Daniel Heimbach, food from
Graduation announcements have arrived and can be picked up at LifeWay Campus Bookstore. Extra announcements can be bought on a first come bases.
An article recapping yesterday’s discussion among several members of the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force is up on Southeastern’s website. Coverage of the special event, hosted by the website Baptist21, can be found here, on the headlines page.
It’s time for spring cleaning! If you would like to make some extra money by selling your unwanted items, we invite you to participate in the Campus-Wide Yard Sale. The size of the yard sale has been steadily increasing each semester, so this is a great time for you to get involved! We are having
It’s spring cleaning at The Locker! 10% off of everything in the store and select items on clearance. The Locker is the exclusive home of SEBTS apparel. Look good while representing the school!
International Students Services at Southeastern would like to invite you and your family to teh Spring International Banquet. The banquet will be held at Ledford Center on Saturday, May 8th at 6:00p.m. Come experience a culturally diverse International Banquet. You will enjoy beautiful worship, a message from God’s Word by Dr. Daniel Heimbach, food from
A healthy church is a church marked by sound doctrine. As Paul instructs Titus, a pastor must “hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it” (Titus 1:9). Yesterday’s challenges to sound doctrine may seem obvious to
Let Ministry Referral help! Whether you want to find a place to serve while you are a student or you are nearing graduation, we can help connect you with ministries. Our system is simple to use and puts you in charge of where your resume is sent. Also, consider meeting with our Director, Dr. Don
Spring weather has arrived! Please seek to honor God with the decisions you make regarding your choice of clothing. Students and their families are expected to dress modestly. The seminary’s position is that immodest clothing damages one’s Christian testimony, so clothes such as short skirts/dresses/shorts and tank tops are discouraged. These items, as well as
The Center for Faith and Culture is beginning the application process for the 2010-2011 Mentorship Program. The Mentorship Program at the CFC is designed to mentor a small cadre of students interested in thinking critically about crucial cultural issues in light of biblical Christianity. The format will examine different areas of culture in order to