
Spring Break

Happy Spring Break! Enjoy your week off from classes. Offices will still be open, but Ledford will have modified hours. Check them out!

Library Extended Hours

Extend your knowledge through Extended Hours in the Library! April 29th – May 2nd (excluding the Chapel Hour) and May 6th – May 8th: 7 AM – 12 AM.

The Excellence in Writing Competition

Submit an 8-10 page paper that you have already written for a class in 2023-2024 for a monetary prize! The Excellence in Writing Competition will be held on Thursday, May 2nd at 7 PM in Appleby Chapel. It is the culmination of a student paper competition running throughout the 2024 spring semester in which the

Women’s Exposition Wednesday: Megan Dickerson

Women’s Exposition Wednesday is continuing this semester as we study through the book of 1 John! Join us for our final Women’s Exposition Wednesday of the semester on Wednesday, May 1st at 10:30 AM in Eitel Auditorium. We will worship together and Megan Dickerson will be teaching from 1 John 5. See you there!

Coffee Break with Dr. Seth Bible

Come join us on April 19th at 10 AM for coffee and conversation with Dr. Seth Bible, Dean of the College at Southeastern and Assistant Professor of Ethics and the History of Ideas. Let us know you’re coming here!

Southeastern Blood Drive

Southeastern is partnering with The Blood Connection to sponsor a blood drive on Thursday, April 11th, 2024, from 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM. Each blood donation saves up to 3 lives! Each donor will receive $50 in rewards! Donors need to be at least 16 years old (16 & 17-year-olds need a permission slip which

20th Anniversary Celebration Lunch

Students, please RSVP to join us with your families on Carson lawn after Chapel, on April 16th, to celebrate Dr. and Mrs. Akin’s 20th year of service to Southeastern! Lunch will be provided and be sure to bring a chair or blanket! RSVP here!

Around the Table with Drs. Higgins and Eccher

Hey, Grad Students! The Spring “Around the Table” is coming up on April 10th from 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM in the Ledford MPR. Join us with Dr. Higgins and Dr. Eccher for an opportunity to get to know them and ask them questions! Free lunch from Wayback Burgers is provided, but there are only 20

Library Talk: Spiritual Formation in the Digital Age

Join us on April 18th for a discussion with Dr. Jacob Shatzer, Associate Professor of Theological Studies at Union University, about moral and spiritual formation in the age of smartphones, social media, and artificial intelligence. Save your seat here!

Ladies’ Picnic

Ladies, please join us for a picnic on April 1st (no joke)! Bring your own lunch and a blanket or chair and we’ll provide the Crumbl cookies. We are excited for a time to fellowship with one another!

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