
Kingdom Diversity Bag Lunch Series | Novemeber 7

White Evangelicalism; Myth or Reality? It is no secret that social media has revolutionized how we communicate over the past few years. While there are many advantages to recent technological advances, there is a downside to Facebook posts, tweets, and blogs. When communicating online, context and tone are often either missed or assumed. These missing

Magnolia Kitchen Hours Change | Beginning November 2

We will be changing the breakfast hours for Magnolia Kitchen starting this Thursday, November 2. The new hours will be as follows: Monday – Friday    Breakfast             7am-9:30am      *Hot breakfast starting at 8:00am.   Lunch                    11am-2pm Dinner                  5pm-7pm Saturday   Brunch                  10am-2p   Dinner                  5pm-7pm

Women’s Town Hall Meeting | November 1

ALL WOMEN AT SE: This is an opportunity for all women to hear the vision of Women Around SE and speak into. Your voice matters! Please come, spread the word, and bring a friend. *Child care is available for those who may need it, please email Julz (

Town Hall | November 8

Dr. Dew will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, November 8th at 10:30am to go over important academic topics. This Town Hall will include announcements from Dr. Dew and the Associate Deans regarding academic process and advice. This will be a great time to bring all of your questions regarding curriculum, programs, majors,

Grave Yard Disc Golf | October 30

It’s​ ​time​ ​to​ ​celebrate​ ​the​ ​reformation​ ​the​ ​way​ ​your​ ​favorite​ ​reformers​ ​did,​ ​with​ ​some​ ​night time​ ​disc​ ​golf!​ ​Whether​ ​you​ ​have​ ​a​ ​disc​ ​collection​ ​full​ ​of​ ​drivers,​ ​putters,​ ​and​ ​everything​ ​in between,​ ​or​ ​you​ ​have​ ​only​ ​tossed​ ​a​ ​frisbee​ ​with​ ​your​ ​golden​ ​retriever,​ ​players​ ​of​ ​all​ ​skill​ ​sets are​ ​welcomed​ ​to​ ​play! ​ ​Disc​ ​golf​

From a Liberal Arts Degree to a Job | November 7

Are you grateful for your Christian liberal arts education but not quite sure how you’ll go about getting a job after college? The C@SE equips students to give their lives for the cause of Christ in the Church, among the nations, and in every aspect of society. If you’re not planning to go into vocational

Folk Angel Christmas Concert | December 2

Get ready for the Christmas season with SEBTS! On Saturday, December 2nd, Folk Angel from the Village Church in Texas will be performing a Christmas concert on campus. The concert will be in Binkley Chapel and will be from 7-9:30pm. Tickets are FREE and all are welcome! To register, please go to, and if

An Evening with Drew & Ellie Holcomb

Drew and Ellie Holcomb are a husband and wife Americana duo from Nashville, TN. Shortly after their marriage in 2006, the couple began touring together with Drew Holcomb and The Neighbors. The band has supported many national touring acts including Ryan Adams, The Avett Brothers, Don Henley, and Willie Nelson. Ellie is no longer a

Page Lecture Series | October 17 & 18

Please join us for the annual Page Lecture Series with guest speaker Dr. Timothy George from Beeson Divinity School in Alabama. The lectures will be given on Tuesday, October 17 from 10:30-11:30am in Binkley Chapel (during the chapel hour) and Wednesday, October 18 from 10:30-11:30 in the Wake Forest Baptist Church Sanctuary. The Page Lectures

Schaeffer Society Reading Group | October 23

Join the Francis A. Schaeffer Society Reading Group for our second discussion of the semester focused on The Benedict Option by Rod Dreher. In order to make this time together profitable, those attending are expected to read the The Benedict Option prior to our meeting. The Francis A. Schaeffer Society Reading Group is open to undergraduates, graduates, faculty, and

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