All NEW ICP students are invited to Dr. Mathias’ house September 27 at 6:30 pm to have dinner with him and Alan Garnett (our IMB representative), and to learn more about the degree! If you would like to come, RSVP by Wednesday, September 20 using this link:
In 1890 Charles Octavius Boothe, an educator and black Baptist minister, wrote “Plain Theology for Plain People.” Boothe wrote out the basics of theology in a simple form with simple language for his congregation who did not have access to education. Dr. Walter Strickland is reintroducing this important book with an added forward. Come celebrate
Have you ever been interested in doing ministry in the state of North Carolina? If so, join us this Thursday, September 14 immediately following chapel for a free lunch in the CGCS. God is doing amazing things right here in our backyard, and you have the opportunity to hear from missionaries across the state about how you can pray for
The Francis A. Schaeffer Society of SEBTS sponsors a reading group for undergraduates, graduates, faculty, and staff. Meetings will be led by Dr. Bruce Little and modeled after Francis Schaeffer’s evening discussions with visitors and students at L’Abri. Join us to examine and discuss some of the current ideas shaping our parent culture. This will
We’re so excited about all the new things happening within The College at Southeastern! Because of this, we want to go away as a college together and spend some time reflecting, thanking God and anticipating the future! So, join The College at Southeastern as we go away for a weekend to grow individually in our
The Center for Faith and Culture would like to invite you to an afternoon lecture with Dr. Craig Blaising and Dr. Stephen Wellum on Thursday, September 7th. They will lecture on Progressive Covenantalism and Progressive Dispensationalism. The lecture will be at 3:00pm in the Center for Faith and Culture Seminar Room. You can learn more
Don’t miss the big Campus-Wide Yard Sale, hosted by the Housing Office on Saturday, September 16 from 7:00–11:30am, located in the housing office parking lot. At previous campus yard sales, students and members of the community have come out in droves, which means this is also a great opportunity to meet your neighbors, not to
The challenge has been made, and Intramurals at Southeastern is here to oblige! The newly created Student vs. Staff flag football game is sure to become an annual classic! Saturday, September 2 on the intramural fields at 2pm the staff here at Southeastern have challenged the students to a good ol’ fashioned flag football game!
Attention Southeastern Community, We are excited to announce the release of our new e-book Christology: Expositions on the Kingship of Christ. This e-book is a compilation of chapel messages preached during the Spring 2017 semester. The content of this book was provided by Dr. Akin, Matt Carter, H.B. Charles Jr., Ligon Duncan, J.D. Greear, Johnny
Connect with Southeastern musicians and worship leaders while enjoying FREE Chick-fil-a® chicken biscuits. On August 23 from 10:30 am – 11:30 am in Appleby’s Bethea Room, hear important information about semester events and opportunities for music and worship at Southeastern. Contact Dr. Waggener for more information by emailing