
Preaching Q&A | February 7

Join us Tuesday, February 7 from 11:45-1:15pm in the Ledford Event Space for FREE lunch and insightful discussion as special guest lecturer and pastor, Art Azurdia, joins SEBTS preaching faculty members Jim Shaddix, Tony Merida and Dwayne Milioni in a discussion of “Preaching in Different Contexts.” Panel members will explore the differences and similarities in preaching

Adams Lecture Series | February 7 & 9

It is time again for the Adams Lectures Series, an annual event that honors the contributions of Theodore F. Adams who taught at SEBTS for over 10 years. The Adams Lectures bring outstanding theologians to the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary campus each spring to deliver two lectures on a subject of interest to the Christian

Reformation Conference in Mebane, NC | February 20-21

2017 marks the 500 year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation which began with Martin Luther’s nailing of his 95 theses to the door of the Castle Church of Wittenberg on October 31, 1517. On behalf of the elders of Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Mebane, NC, you are invited to a conference commemorating this occasion.

Apply for the Southeastern Women’s Scholarship!

Ladies, you are invited to apply for the Southeastern Women’s Scholarship, presented by The Southeastern Women’s Fellowship! This scholarship is for women who are being trained for service in the Lord’s Kingdom. The Scholarship is determined by committee regarding the combination of academic diligence and church involvement with a proven commitment to Christian service. Here

The Roaring Twenties Coffee House | February 9

You are formally invited to an elaborate, Roaring Twenties themed Coffee House, taking place from 8-10pm in the Ledford Center. This Jazz Age party will have you longing for a chance to party like it’s 1920 every weekend. The Ledford Manor will be adorned with string lights, candles, and oil lamps for the most luxurious

Coffee & Conversation with Dr. Ligon Duncan on Worship Theology

Join other Southeastern students in a conversation with Dr. Ligon Duncan, Chancellor of Reformed Theological Seminary, and contributor to the book Perspectives on Christian Worship (B&H, 2009). Our discussion will explore how the Bible “regulates” our worship, seek to understand the relationship between OT and NT worship, and consider how contemporary culture impacts our worship,

GenSend Luncheon | January 31

The North American Mission Board will be hosting a free luncheon Tuesday, January 31 directly following chapel from 11:30am – 12:30pm for anyone interested in leveraging their summer for the sake of the gospel. There will be a brief panel discussion with previous GenSenders and also a Q & A time. Please note: There will also be

Discussion: Life After Graduation | February 3

Time at Southeastern can be a great experience for many students due to the wonderful professors, community, and gospel-centered mindset. However, this experience primarily exists to prepare students for the ministries and vocations they will go in the future. From the moment students arrive at Southeastern, the school is focused on preparing them for their

The Locker | Now Online!

Great news! The Locker now has an online store where you can purchase Southeastern merchandise, no matter your location! Whether you are taking classes on campus, in your personal office, or in the nearest WIFI location, you have the ability to be equipped with Southeastern shirts, hoodies, mugs, and more with just a few clicks

Spring 2017 Fitness Classes for SEBTS Women

The Student Activities & Discipleship office is excited to offer FREE fitness classes for women at Southeastern. This semester, we’re offering 2 different classes: High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Zumba! Our instructors are experienced in leading group fitness classes and are excited to serve the women of SEBTS in this way. Zumba classes will

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