Join us for a night of worship with Keith & Kristyn Getty at Southeastern Seminary on Friday, October 21 at 7:00 PM as a part of their “Facing a Task Unfinished” Tour. The concert will take place in Binkley Chapel, and the cost is only $10. Tickets can be purchased here. About Keith & Kristyn
Southeastern’s Center for Pastoral Leadership and Preaching invites you to join us for a panel discussion on Baptism. This panel will dicuss both theological and practical issues for pastors to think through when baptizing. The Center’s director, Dr. John Ewart, will be joined by Dr. Keith Harper, Senior Professor of Baptist Studies, Dr. Charles Quarles,
Why have a Spiritual Resilience Conference? Resilience. It is a word that is used often in the military context. You hear references such as “we bend but do not break.” That sounds very noble but many in the military community (current and veteran) are struggling. In addition to demands of duty, our active/guard/reserve forces are
Auxiliary Ministries (Manna Ministry and Share Shop) will be open regular hours during the break: Donation area is open Monday thru Saturday 8am-8pm. Shopping times are Tuesday 5pm-8pm, Wednesday 10am-1pm, Saturday 9am-1pm. Volunteer opportunities are available during the break. Contact Debbie Ladd ( for more information.
The Center for Faith and Culture and The Francis A. Schaeffer Society invite you to join us on Friday, October 14 at 7:00pm in the Center for Faith & Culture Conference Room at Southeastern Seminary for an evening lecture from Dr. Christopher Hook entitled: Medical Killing: A Practical and Ethical Assessment of Physician Assisted Suicide
Kingdom Diversity and Women’s Life have teamed up to create a brand new initiative called The Society for Women in Scholarship. The Society exists to cultivate academic gifting and professional development in Women at Southeastern at both the college and seminary level. They will be hosting an informational meeting on October 12 from 3:30-5:00pm in the
Please join us directly after chapel on October 18, 2016 for a conference in conjunction with The Pillar Network and NAMB. The conference will be held in the Center for Great Commission Studies from 11:30-2:45pm. We will provide a free lunch and you will have the opportunity to hear from church planters who are ministering
9Marks at Southeastern Conference | Friday – Saturday | September 30 – October 1 | $45 Student Admission, $60 General Admission CGCS Church Replanting Event | Thursday | September 29 | 11:30am | Missions Building (Jacumin Simpson) Keith and Kristyn Getty Concert | Friday | October 21 | 7:00pm | Binkley Chapel Southeastern Family Fall
The Southeastern Family Fall Cookout is coming up on Monday, October 10 in the quad on Southeastern’s campus. Join the Southeastern family as we celebrate the new semester at our annual Fall cookout. Wrangle up a free dinner at our mini-food truck rodeo, enjoy classic tailgating games, and much more! Join Southeastern students, faculty, staff,
Love concerts? Love Phil Wickham? We want you to show us how much! From September 26-29, we will be having an Instagram Competition through Around Southeastern in which we want to see pictures and videos showing us how excited you are for the Phil Wickham concert on Friday, October 7 at Richland Creek Community Church.