Check out this week’s announcement to find out what’s going on Around Southeastern. Library Workshop | Narrowing Your Topic | Tuesday | September 6 | 4:30pm | Library Sailhamer Room Library Workshop | Narrowing Your Topic | Thursday| September 8 | 1:30pm | Library Sailhamer Room Women’s Life Connecting Point Women’s Expo | Monday |
Connecting Point exists to foster fellowship and spiritual maturity among women of Southeastern. Whether you are a college student, seminary student, wife of a student, faculty, or staff member, you are welcome! At our first event we are hosting a Women’s Expo. Come see and hear from all the different ways you can get involved while
It’s back by popular demand! Get ready for an epic battle of The Spoon Game: Hunger Games Edition. The game will begin on Tuesday, September 6th at 8:00am. It will end on Friday, September 9th at 12:00pm (please see information below about the rules and Final Elimination Challenge that will take place from 4:55pm-6:30pm on
Check out this week’s announcement to find out what’s going on Around Southeastern. Kingdom Diversity Info Meetings | Thursday | September 1 | 11:30am & 6:30pm | Eitel Auditorium Library Talk | Reading Like a Scholar | Wednesday | September 7 | 10:30am | Library Getty Concert Choir | Sign Up by September 1 | Rehearsals
The summer of 2017, step back in time with Drs. Hildreth, Milioni, Eccher, and Akin, along with their wives, as we celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. All are welcome to join us on this tour; you do not need to be a student or enrolled in an SEBTS class to take part.
Don’t miss the big Campus-Wide Yard Sale, sponsored by the Housing Office on Saturday, September 17 from 7:00 – 11:30am, located in the housing office parking lot. At previous campus yard sales, students and members of the community have come out in droves, which means this is also a great opportunity to meet your neighbors,
Connect with Southeastern musicians and worship leaders while enjoying FREE Chick-fil-a® chicken biscuits on Wednesday, August 31 at 10:30am in the Appleby Bethea Room (below Appleby chapel). Hear important information about semester events and opportunities for music and worship at Southeastern. 2nd Wednesday | Wednesday| August 31 | 10:30am | Appleby Bethea Room
Student Life is excited to offer FREE fitness classes for women at Southeastern. This semester, we’re expanding our services to include both High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Zumba! Our instructors are experienced in leading group fitness classes and are excited to serve the women of SEBTS in this way. Zumba classes will be offered
All current Southeastern seminary/college students, staff, faculty, dependents, and alumni are invited to compete in our Intramural Flag Football Leagues. We have a men’s league, as well as a women’s league. All games will be played on Saturdays this fall and will be done by 2:00 pm. If you are interested you can sign up
Over the Summer we’ve seen an unfortunate number of incidences where racial tension has been central. As an institution, we would like to have an open and honest Gospel centered conversation about these events. The upcoming Town Hall Meeting hosted by the Kingdom Diversity Initiative will be a helpful venue to have a discussion concerning