Community Events

The Guild Conference

THE GUILD CONFERENCE The Guild is a unique one-day conference for worship leaders, pastors, artists, creatives, and supporters of the arts. This conference is dedicated to supporting Christian creatives on their journey of remaining faithful to their work and their walk with God. This year The Guild is happening on Saturday, November 4, 2023, in

The Worship Initiative Christmas Concert

We are excited to enter the Holiday Season singing along with The Worship Initiative Band! This event is open to the community and will take place on Southeastern’s campus at Binkley Chapel. An hour prior to the event we will provide free coffee, hot chocolate, and desserts outside the Chapel. Get your tickets here!

Grief in the Life of the Believer Workshop

What does Scripture say about grieving well? How can we support those around us who are grieving? Join us on September 12th at 1 PM in the Ledford Events Room to hear from Dr. Kristin Kellen, Dr. Sam Williams, Evan Marbury, and Karen Reeder as they seek to encourage us to grieve well in any

DMin Office Lunch & Learn Event

The DMin Office of SEBTS is thrilled to announce our third Lunch & Learn event! On August 23rd at 12 pm EST, we invite all current students, alumni, and prospective students to join us on Zoom for an enriching session with Dr. Robinson. Learn from his invaluable experience on Making Disciples that Reproduce, and take

Share Shop Summer Update

Hey, Share Shoppers! The Share Shop will be closing for the summer. See details below: Last Day of Shopping/Donating: May 31 Closed: June-July Grand Reopening: August 5 If an emergency need arises or a special/large donation is available during the break, please contact us at or send a message to our Facebook page “The

Mommy & Me Summer Schedule

Hey moms! Summer is finally here and Mommy & Me is still happening! Join us every other Thursday at 9:30 AM for an opportunity to hang out with other moms and let your kids play together. Check the attached schedule for more details! If you have any questions, please reach out to Erica Wu at

Women’s Exposition Wednesday

This coming April 26th is Women’s Exposition Wednesday at Appleby Chapel from 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM. There will be a panel with Dr. Daub, Dr. Higgins, Dr. Kellen, and Dr. Thornton. They will each share how they look at the story of the Woman at the Well through the lens of each of their

Commissioning Chapel

Join us for Southeastern’s Commissioning Chapel on April 18th at 10:30 AM to recognize and pray for those who are being sent out by the church in 2023. We will recognize international and North American missionaries and church planters on this day along with all students who went or are going on a mission trip

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