Community Events

Faith at Work Conference

The Great Commission remains the mission of the believer on the field and in the marketplace. On March 29, 2023, the Financial and Alumni Development Office will host the 3rd annual Faith at Work Conference to encourage and resource business owners and leaders to leverage their positions within the marketplace to make disciples and glorify

Mommy & Me Gym Time

Mommy & Me is back! Moms, we have the basketball gym reserved for you EVERY Thursday this semester (except during break weeks) from 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM. We hope this allows you to enjoy time with other moms while your kids play and burn off some energy!

Wake Forest High School Tutoring

Looking for a way to serve our community? Wake Forest High School is looking for volunteer tutors to come in on a weekly basis to help their students in a multitude of subjects. This is an awesome way to be a light and serve the students in the Wake Forest community! Please contact Lisette Pike

Giving Tuesday is Tomorrow!

November 29th is an important day on campus as Southeastern will be participating in #GivingTuesday. If you want to give charitably to Southeastern, this is an excellent day to do it. On November 29th, we set a goal of 500 Great Commission gifts! Will you consider giving one? We need you, your folks, your friends,

Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is coming up on November 29th! We will have some fun ways for you to participate in this day. Be on the lookout for more announcements, including how you can get the brand new #WeAreSoutheastern t-shirt. Click here for more information.

SEBTS Blood Drive

Have you been trying to find a way to serve the Wake Forest Community? Well, look no further! SEBTS is hosting a Blood Drive in partnership with the Blood Connection on Monday, November 14th from 12 – 4 PM in the Carson Parking Lot. Click here or scan the QR Code in order to sign

The Guild Conference

Check out this amazing conference in Raleigh on Saturday, November 5th. The Guild Conference is a one-day creative arts conference + concert designed to care holistically for the craft and character of artists (and those who enjoy the arts). This conference was an initiative started by artists who recognized the need to challenge, support, and

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