
Christ and Culture Live Podcast Recording w/Danny Akin

Come be a part of our first ever Christ and Culture Podcast recording with a live audience featuring Dr. Danny Akin! Doors will open at 8:45 am for coffee and doughnuts. Please sign-up through the link on our website.

Ladies Chai and Henna Night

Ladies, our Chai and Henna Night is coming up on March 18th! Come enjoy henna and some chai as we hear from ladies who have served on missions overseas! You won’t want to miss this!

Grad Life Lunches

This semester, Grad Life is hosting free lunches with some of our amazing professors! Each lunch is geared toward different degrees and gives you a chance to meet with other students and professors active in that field. Space is limited, so register soon! See the schedule below and click the link to register. – Feb

Lunch & Learn with Dr. Keathley

The DMin Office invites students of all levels to a special Lunch & Learn event featuring Dr. Keathley. Come engage in a discussion about his new book, “Faith and Science: A Primer for a Hypernatural World.” This is a unique opportunity to explore the relationship between faith and science, and discover how we, as believers,

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