
Coffee Break with Dr. Anna Daub

The next Coffee Break is coming up soon on April 14th at 10 AM in the Library Common Room! Come join us for coffee and conversation with Dr. Anna Daub, Assistant Professor of Missions and Director of Special Projects and Partnerships for Global Theological Initiatives. Click here to reserve your seat!

Breakfast with Docs

Graduate Life is hosting the final Breakfast with Docs of the semester! Join Dr. Robinson and Dr. McKinion for breakfast on Wednesday, April 19 from 8 AM – 9 AM in the Ledford MPR! Come fellowship, learn from, and enjoy a meal with these Docs as they share about their lives, experiences, and time here

Carver-Barnes Lecture with Nathan Finn

You’re invited to join the Center for Faith and Culture on March 20 at 7 PM in the Ledford Events Room for the annual Carver-Barnes Lecture. Dr. Nathan Finn will return to Southeastern to deliver a lecture titled, “Against ‘Establishmentarian’ Baptist Political Theology.” Click here to register!

Women’s Emphasis Week

Hey ladies! Check out all of the wonderful workshops we are offering for Women’s Emphasis Week (March 20-24). Click here to sign up for workshops! Schedule: Tuesday: Loving & Supporting Your Husband w/ Tresa Ewart; 6:30-8 PM in Student Life Office Developing a Personal or Family Mission Statement w/ Beth McKenzie; 7-8:30 PM in Ledford MPR Wednesday:

Theological Huddle

Ladies! Don’t miss out on our next Theological Huddle happening Monday, March 27th at 6:30 PM in the Ledford MPR! Join us and Dr. Thornton as we study and discuss the book of Acts, chapters 21-23.

Coffee Break with Dr. Jonathan Welch

Our next Coffee Break is on March 17th at 10 AM in the Library Common Area! Come join us with a cup of coffee to hang out with Dr. Jonathan Welch, Assistant Professor of Christian Worship. Click here to reserve your seat!

Spring Men’s Events

Check out the various events we have for Men’s Discipleship we have coming up this semester! Email for more information.

Faith at Work Conference

The Great Commission remains the mission of the believer on the field and in the marketplace. On March 29, 2023, the Financial and Alumni Development Office will host the 3rd annual Faith at Work Conference to encourage and resource business owners and leaders to leverage their positions within the marketplace to make disciples and glorify

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